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Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

(UPDATE: THE TEA PARTY AND RACISM? YOU DECIDE…an unsettling video of tea party members talking about race)
Let’s play a game, shall we? The name of the game is called “Imagine.” The way it’s played is simple: we’ll envision recent happenings in the news, but then change them up a bit. Instead of envisioning white people as the main actors in the scenes we’ll conjure – the ones who are driving the action – we’ll envision black folks or other people of color instead. The object of the game is to imagine the public reaction to the events or incidents, if the main actors were of color, rather than white. Whoever gains the most insight into the workings of race in America, at the end of the game, wins.

So let’s begin.

Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition. And imagine that some of these protesters —the black protesters — spoke of the need for political revolution, and possibly even armed conflict in the event that laws they didn’t like were enforced by the government? Would these protester — these black protesters with guns — be seen as brave defenders of the Second Amendment, or would they be viewed by most whites as a danger to the republic? What if they were Arab-Americans? Because, after all, that’s what happened recently when white gun enthusiasts descended upon the nation’s capital, arms in hand, and verbally announced their readiness to make war on the country’s political leaders if the need arose.

Imagine that white members of Congress, while walking to work, were surrounded by thousands of angry black people, one of whom proceeded to spit on one of those congressmen for not voting the way the black demonstrators desired. Would the protesters be seen as merely patriotic Americans voicing their opinions, or as an angry, potentially violent, and even insurrectionary mob? After all, this is what white Tea Party protesters did recently in Washington.

Imagine that a rap artist were to say, in reference to a white president: “He’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on my machine gun.” Because that’s what rocker Ted Nugent said recently about President Obama.

Imagine that a prominent mainstream black political commentator had long employed an overt bigot as Executive Director of his organization, and that this bigot regularly participated in black separatist conferences, and once assaulted a white person while calling them by a racial slur. When that prominent black commentator and his sister — who also works for the organization — defended the bigot as a good guy who was misunderstood and “going through a tough time in his life” would anyone accept their excuse-making? Would that commentator still have a place on a mainstream network? Because that’s what happened in the real world, when Pat Buchanan employed as Executive Director of his group, America’s Cause, a blatant racist who did all these things, or at least their white equivalents: attending white separatist conferences and attacking a black woman while calling her the n-word.

Imagine that a black radio host were to suggest that the only way to get promoted in the administration of a white president is by “hating black people,” or that a prominent white person had only endorsed a white presidential candidate as an act of racial bonding, or blamed a white president for a fight on a school bus in which a black kid was jumped by two white kids, or said that he wouldn’t want to kill all conservatives, but rather, would like to leave just enough—“living fossils” as he called them—“so we will never forget what these people stood for.” After all, these are things that Rush Limbaugh has said, about Barack Obama’s administration, Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama, a fight on a school bus in Belleville, Illinois in which two black kids beat up a white kid, and about liberals, generally.

Imagine that a black pastor, formerly a member of the U.S. military, were to declare, as part of his opposition to a white president’s policies, that he was ready to “suit up, get my gun, go to Washington, and do what they trained me to do.” This is, after all, what Pastor Stan Craig said recently at a Tea Party rally in Greenville, South Carolina.

Imagine a black radio talk show host gleefully predicting a revolution by people of color if the government continues to be dominated by the rich white men who have been “destroying” the country, or if said radio personality were to call Christians or Jews non-humans, or say that when it came to conservatives, the best solution would be to “hang ‘em high.” And what would happen to any congressional representative who praised that commentator for “speaking common sense” and likened his hate talk to “American values?” After all, those are among the things said by radio host and best-selling author Michael Savage, predicting white revolution in the face of multiculturalism, or said by Savage about Muslims and liberals, respectively. And it was Congressman Culbertson, from Texas, who praised Savage in that way, despite his hateful rhetoric.

Imagine a black political commentator suggesting that the only thing the guy who flew his plane into the Austin, Texas IRS building did wrong was not blowing up Fox News instead. This is, after all, what Anne Coulter said about Tim McVeigh, when she noted that his only mistake was not blowing up the New York Times.

Imagine that a popular black liberal website posted comments about the daughter of a white president, calling her “typical redneck trash,” or a “whore” whose mother entertains her by “making monkey sounds.” After all that’s comparable to what conservatives posted about Malia Obama on last year, when they referred to her as “ghetto trash.”

Imagine that black protesters at a large political rally were walking around with signs calling for the lynching of their congressional enemies. Because that’s what white conservatives did last year, in reference to Democratic party leaders in Congress.

In other words, imagine that even one-third of the anger and vitriol currently being hurled at President Obama, by folks who are almost exclusively white, were being aimed, instead, at a white president, by people of color. How many whites viewing the anger, the hatred, the contempt for that white president would then wax eloquent about free speech, and the glories of democracy? And how many would be calling for further crackdowns on thuggish behavior, and investigations into the radical agendas of those same people of color?

To ask any of these questions is to answer them. Protest is only seen as fundamentally American when those who have long had the luxury of seeing themselves as prototypically American engage in it. When the dangerous and dark “other” does so, however, it isn’t viewed as normal or natural, let alone patriotic. Which is why Rush Limbaugh could say, this past week, that the Tea Parties are the first time since the Civil War that ordinary, common Americans stood up for their rights: a statement that erases the normalcy and “American-ness” of blacks in the civil rights struggle, not to mention women in the fight for suffrage and equality, working people in the fight for better working conditions, and LGBT folks as they struggle to be treated as full and equal human beings.

And this, my friends, is what white privilege is all about. The ability to threaten others, to engage in violent and incendiary rhetoric without consequence, to be viewed as patriotic and normal no matter what you do, and never to be feared and despised as people of color would be, if they tried to get away with half the shit we do, on a daily basis.

Tim Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and activists in the U.S. Wise has spoken in 48 states, on over 400 college campuses, and to community groups around the nation. Wise has provided anti-racism training to teachers nationwide, and has trained physicians and medical industry professionals on how to combat racial inequities in health care. His latest book is called Between Barack and a Hard Place.

266 Comments leave one →
  1. DavidH permalink
    May 25, 2011 10:23 am

    Guns at rallys! Sounds great! Concealed weapons? Even better! Lock ’em up. We’ll find some reason, disorderly conduct, littering… They might get out in a week or two, but there won’t be a march on my town. Throw ’em all in!

    Very insightful. What kind of “fair and unbalanced” coverage do you think the networks would have given any BTP March on Washington? Not whole day coverage like Fox gave to the current TP.

    • October 30, 2011 12:14 pm

      Oh I agree with you David , throw the teabaggers in jail and throw the key away. The are people that do not want to work, and they are drug addicts, and low life bottom of the barrell KKK people that are not good enough for any one of the OWS people to wipe their feet on. . I am sure you meant the Tea Party David ! the tea party doesn’t have a clue what they are for except one thing they know they do not like the color of our President’s skin, and they follow the Fox people and freedom works, and Koch brothers and the fat cats right off the cliff, and they go to the polls and vote for the party that signs pledges with Norquist & not themselves that put the Republicans in office. They are the 99% and don’t have a clue they are not. They are brained washed by the 1 % . Duh !!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and this fake religious Bs coming from the most hatefilled people i have ever seen or heard. Hate, Guns, God, and Fake religion. Hummmm that just does not seem to go with the God i know !

  2. Mark permalink
    May 5, 2011 3:52 pm

    I’m not saying every Tea Partier is racist. I just think it’s suspcious that the ONE time they chose to protest government spending was when we had a non-white president. Sorry, I’m just not buying it. Government spending has been out of control for decades. The “last straw” could have occurred anytime during those decades. Alas, not a peep until some dark-skin entered the White House.

    If the right wants to cleanse themselves of their racist image, they need to stop giving the left ammo. This is ammo.

    We also must realize that racism is not as socially acceptable as it was decades ago. This social change has forced people to keep their racist views in the closet, and away from public eyes and ears. I would love to test their racial tolerance by giving polygraph tests to every white man and woman who is a Tea Partier. The results probably wouldn’t surprise me.

    I know there are black Tea Party members, but they are few-and-far between. Even during the civil-rights protests you would find a white person here-and-there. Exceptions are not the rule.

    Race topic aside — I will gladly support the Tea Party ideals of reduced spending when they put defense spending on the table with all of the social programs they already laid-out. Until they get serious about defense spending and our 700+ overseas military bases, I will not budge my views on social programs, including welfare. Their spending-cut hypocrisies are massive.

  3. Danny Tammuz permalink
    December 2, 2010 1:41 pm

    racism is the most widespread mental illness. characterized by an inability to realize you have it.

  4. Jack permalink
    October 15, 2010 10:12 pm

    Why is it always about the color of one’s skin? I have met a lot of sorry ass people in my life, and they were both black and white. I don’t understand why you think the tea party is some terrible racist group, hell bent on lynching black people and Jews. Sure there’s a few idiots in the Tea Party that may cause problems, just like there were a few idiots that caused problems at the Million Man March.

    So I guess we get to say that everyone at the Million Man March, and everyone in the Tea Party are bloodthirsty racist. And I’m sure that if the whites had a WET (White Entertainment Television), and held a Miss White Beauty pageant, that wouldn’t be racist. What if White Preachers condemned Black people for breaking the chains of slavery, and having the nerve to ask for civil rights. I’m getting a little tired of being called a racist just because of the color of my skin. I’m really getting tired of the saying; “it’s a white/black thing”.

    My next door neighbor is a wonderful wise old man. He ask my five year old daughter to call him Uncle Clint, because all young children in his very large family called him that. One day, I took my daughter to a children museum where we live, and while sitting in an empty room having a picnic lunch, the room suddenly filled up with some black families. A young black woman opened a book about Martin Luther King, and began to read aloud. It was mostly about how bad black people had it in the 60s prior to Civil Rights. Every time something negative was said, the black parents would jab their children to make them listen. Every now and then, one of the parents would turn and glare at my daughter and me. After the book was read, the young lady asked for questions, so I raised my hand. I ask the lady why she never mentioned anything positive about white people. I then told the crowd that two of my aunt’s had marched with King (yeah, they were liberals, and still are). I also told them that without the positive whites, they wouldn’t be where they are today (no smiles, sorry, I speak my mind). I then asked my daughter who was our next door neighbor, and she replied Uncle Clint. I then asked her how she felt about him, and she quickly replied, I love my Uncle Clint. My final question I asked my daughter was, what color was Uncle Clint. She hesitated a moment, then said he was black. I looked at everyone and told them that this is what I teach my children, to love someone for who they are, and not the color of their skin. I then took my daughters hand and walked out of the room.

    Quit judging all black people as Black panthers, and all white people as southern slave owners.

    Okay E. Gray, you can insult me again if you want.

    • October 16, 2010 1:36 am

      Jack, you introduced race into the dialogue. The post you originally commented on highlighted the absurdity of elevating someone like Beck to the level of King. The comment did not make you sound racist, nor did I think you were based on it. In fact, I’m not sure what your point was other than to justify Republican philosophy in some way.

      The Tim Wise essay you replied to does raise the race issue, but in the context of judging how movement’s like the Tea Party would be looked at if predominantly people of color were behind it as opposed to predominantly white, middle class Americans. And to say that ethnicity is not a factor in how that movement is judged is simply naive, as your thoughtful story suggests.

      But you don’t come off racist, politically misguided perhaps, but not racist. And that is only my smart ass opinion, which at the end of the day, should really be of no consequence.

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 6:57 pm

      The correct way would have been for your daughter to call him Mr. Clint! Blacks have been call uncle for many years. Try teaching her to have respect for her elders regardless of race. I know of many situations when whites will say I respect all races and teach my children to respect all races but, I would not want my daughter or son to marry outside of their race Why? usually the answer will be, because of the mixed children, or god didn’t mean for the races to mix. I don’t beleive none of the things you said. Your daughter reply “My Uncle Clint.” You allowed your daughter to adapt the slave owner’s mentality of how to handle Blacks. This has been passed on for generations and you are still passing it on. The Tea Party is a racist organization and partially because of Obama being Black. It makes you feel out of power and how in the world can whites feel superior to blacks anymore so, the hatred of being governing by a Black Man!! is very strong among a lot of whites in this country. YOU! are in this group whether you want to beleive it or not!

      • Jess permalink
        May 12, 2011 3:34 am

        Just because someone calls someone “Uncle so-and-so” doesn’t automatically mean that they’re making a reference to the times of slave owners or that they’re being disrespectful towards the person they’re addressing. In fact, in my family (and among most Asian families I know) calling someone Uncle or Auntie is actually a huge sign of respect, since essentially, you’re including them in your family. Plus, Mr. Clint asked the girl to call her Uncle, so I don’t see a problem with that at all if he’s the one asking in the first place.

  5. Bette permalink
    October 3, 2010 4:02 am

    Thank you for this article, Mr. Wise! You’re one of the few people brave enough to acknowledge the elephant in the living room!

  6. Allen Seager permalink
    September 4, 2010 10:08 pm

    Good comment but slightly dated. Beck and Palin turned sommersaults to prove their *anti-racist creds at the Washington rally. They are now trying to create an imagined Martin Luther King–a tea-party patriot, not at all like the historical King, esp on the Vietnam War and War on Poverty issues of his day

  7. August 30, 2010 9:15 am

    Very powerful piece on the racism of the tea party movement.

  8. Joe permalink
    August 22, 2010 9:01 am

    For those who disagree with blog I encourage you to read book by Michelle Alexander called “The New Jim Crow”. The author states – during an election year Nixon dedicated seventeen speeches solely to the topic of law and order and one of his television ads explicitly called on voters to reject the lawlessness of civil rights activists and embrace order in the United States

    Race had become yet again, a powerful wedge, breaking up what had been a solid liberal coalition based on economic interests of the poor and the working and lower middle classes. page 46

    for life of me I will never understand why poor whites relate more to rich whites then poor blacks

  9. pinroot permalink
    July 16, 2010 2:02 pm

    Imagine if the Tea Party was Black… you mean like The New Black Panthers?

    • duffbeer permalink
      July 16, 2010 2:47 pm

      If the tea party were as large as the NBP id be thrilled. God knows they’ve got the same diversity.

    • Tim permalink
      October 20, 2010 4:33 pm

      Kind of like the new black panthers. If the new black panthers were running candidates all over the place, and were actually showing up in large numbers on the national mall, and had the backing of an entire news organization, and wealthy corporate supporters trying to get them elected so that they could run our country by giving said billionaires more of ‘their’ money back. Kind of like that.

    • ugh..grr >. permalink
      October 22, 2010 3:49 pm


  10. Bryn D. Whitehead permalink
    July 15, 2010 12:16 am

    A lot of responses here…. A lot of valid points made on both sides, but the question was what if the tea party was black? The question was then followed by few real world events and asked if the response would be the same if the participants in these events were of another ethnic background.

    The responses you all have posted have ranged from spot on observations to off topic but interesting ruminations all the way to plain absurd and ignorant drivel. I will not address any of these but instead give my own take on things.

    As a 23 yo black male I voted for Barack, I to voted for change only to see in the next months that we only removed the crusty scab the open wound called racism in America. To see the Tea Party burning the president in effigy. To hear and see “News Channels” that claim to be unbiased only give voice to the most offensive and racist sounding groups of people, while the only voices of defense that weren’t treated as kooks were heard out side in social gatherings. Is it racist to point out the obvious fact that the vast majority of these people that did these things were white? Is it racist to question the response the country would have if these people I speak of were of one of the oppressed minority? No, it isn’t.

    The fact is that no matter how anyone tries to spin it if the Tea Party, the talking heads, or any of the other very vocal and very radical dissenters were indeed black and they were speaking, marching, and arming themselves for what they called a revolutionary war against a white president the government would come down so hard on there throats thier heads would pop. And the dissenters would all nod in agreement that it was good for those loud, uppity, Non-American loud mouths. The Dixie Chicks tried to speak on Bush Jr. And the wolves came for them, imagine if the Tea party were black then.

  11. Gerald Truehart permalink
    July 4, 2010 12:07 pm

    When I see this it says to me Just how far have we come? Not that far from yesteryear. It’s hard to fight a media that is for the most bias. But fight we must. We have to stand up and say enough is enough!! It comes to a time when one must let the chips fall where the may.

  12. JW Morrison permalink
    May 25, 2010 6:46 am

    Imagine if the tea party really did all the things that have been said about them, and I would not support them. Imagine if the political discourse in this country was like it was 200 years ago, and you might long for these days.

    What you suggest is that it is okay for Democrats to call out Bush for his actions but it is unAmerican for anyone else to criticize your viewpoints. It’s okay for SEIU to protest on the private property and traumatize a 14 year old, but it’s not okay for people to peaceably assemble against their government.

    Imagine a day when people can disagree but be civil, but as long as folks of your ilk continue to pit classes against each other and incite hatred.

    • August 30, 2010 6:47 pm

      wow armed people protesting..peaceful protestors? WTF?
      In Toronto two months ago- real peaceful protestors were kidnapped assualted and incarecrated. ..and meanwhile in the USA it is okay for folk to arm up and talk revolution.
      I for me the red (reactionary alert!) flag goes up when someone starts name calling and generalizing and being dismissive and ignorant. The clash between conservative and liberal is the clash of two world views…The former believes in(and panders to) the worst in human nature and the latter in the best in human nature.

    • Tim permalink
      October 20, 2010 4:45 pm

      The problem is that the TP has done all the things that have been said about them and much more. Look, I’m sure that many folks in this group are sane rational people (or at least some of them). But there is no coherent message. Nobody actually knows what it is that the TP is protesting. I hear tell that it’s about ‘spending’. But the candidates that have been selected by TP folks have no rational plan to cut spending, nor do they recognize that spending is necessary in a recession. I hear it’s about the deficit – but to a ‘ T ‘ they want to retain the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy – which would drive up the debt by 700 billion over the next 10 years. And none of them seem to recognize that they all just got a tax cut in the recovery act. I hear that it’s about ‘big bad gubbmint” – but all of the candidates back the most intrusive government imaginable – forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term even when she’s been raped. Talk about putting the government between you and you doctor.
      The TP is just a reincarnation of the GOP – just a little crasser, cruder, uglier, and more extreme.
      Sorry. Wish it were otherwise. But it’s not. That is the reality of the TP.

  13. Dave permalink
    May 25, 2010 5:26 am

    Mr. Wise, I believe you are a racist.

  14. Mike permalink
    May 25, 2010 5:08 am

    Imagine if there was no such thing as white guilt…
    Imagine if people focused on substance instead of race…
    Imagine if we actually spent some time talking to one another…

  15. A Concerned Marine permalink
    May 24, 2010 11:27 pm

    Wow. Really?

    So did any of the Tea Party folks in these scenarios of yours break a law?

    Is being concerned about “protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” – something that all military officers and members of Congress swear to do – now a crime?!?

    All I have heard is the American people – white, brown, black, yellow, but all AMERICANS – stand up in defense of their country, for what it was founded upon, and what it stands for.


    Wow. And I still serve, now in my 21st year, to defend the Constitution. Guess I should feel bad about being a white Southern male now, shrug my shoulders, and walk away from it. Oh well…

    Here’s to November, 2010. Any of y’all have a problem with the American people peacefully voting out there? We’ll see. I’ll bet we see more vitriol from Dems than you did from Conservatives this past round.

    See you in November.

    Semper Fi…

    • commonsense.... permalink
      September 9, 2010 5:42 pm

      Protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America: Good thing.

      Rabble rousing to emasculate the Constitution of the United States of America while coopting patriotic symbology as a propagandistic ploy: Bad thing.

      Wondering about whether other people want you to feel bad about your skin tone, sex, or location: Strangely out of context, but a sad fact of life for some of the people who are not as priveleged as you. Can you conceive of a world where equality with others does not mean one is expected to “feel bad about being a white Southern male” but rather that the level of melanin in your skin does not make you better or worse than anyone else?

      • Dman permalink
        October 3, 2010 8:17 am

        Careful with the big words and intellectual thought, you’re communicating with teabaggers.

    • Russ permalink
      October 10, 2010 5:31 pm

      A Concerned Marine – I agree with you 100%
      This political correctness bullshit is a thing of the past.
      It’s time for all voices to be heard, not just blacks, Hispanics, gays, etc……..
      I’m proud to be white, I’m proud to be Indian, and I’m proud to be Arab, but I’m most proud to be an American.
      Someone calling me a racist for disagreeing with them, only makes them the racist.

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 7:19 pm

      Mr. Marine you may hide behind you love of country and serving your country. I was in the service when there was a real war. You are just spinning off of a fantasy! You know you don’t love all people and especially minorties! or you would not support the racist TP. The TP is the same as the “White Citizen Council,” of the old civil rights era. When you read between the lines, you will hear and see the same beliefs from “Whites,” that the minorties will not go along with the B.S. Minorties love this country and will defend and fight for their rights. The best thing for anybody is to get over feeling that you are the superior chosen ONE!! This isn’t the 1700.s, 1800’s, or 50’s, 60’s. This country will never function in that era again, I can guarantee!!

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 7:23 pm

      You could start by stop feeling superior to other races.

  16. joe permalink
    May 24, 2010 11:08 pm

    “Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition.”

    Except that hundreds of ARMED white protesters never did that.

    “Imagine that white members of Congress, while walking to work, were surrounded by thousands of angry black people, one of whom proceeded to spit on one of those congressmen”

    Except that never happened to a Black Congresman. IT WAS MADE UP by one of your “Rat poverty pimp politicians who makes his living selling the black vote to the ‘Rats for more welfare.

    Imagine this:

    The senior senator, 3 heartbeats from the Presidency, is a former member of the KKK. A DEMOCRAT.

    Imagine this:

    “Judge me by the people who surround me.” – Barack Hussein Obama, 2008 Presidential campaign”

    Rev Wright: Hamas loving HATER AND DAMNER OF AMERICA.

    William Ayers: Flag trampling leftist scum bomber who felt “we didn’t do enough.”

    Bernadette Dhorn: ”Dig it! Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them, then they shoved a fork into a victim’s stomach.”

    Van Jones: COMMUNIST

    Anita Dunn: MAO-LOVER

    White House manufacturing czar, Ron Bloom: MAO-LOVER.

    Barack Hussein Obama: MAO PLAGIARIST:

    Barack Hussein Obama: “I feel like we got a righteous wind at our backs here, but we’re going to have to work. We’re going to have to struggle. We’re going to have to fight.”


    Chairman Mao Zedong: “The righteous wind of socialism is on the rise. By the end of this year the victory of socialism will be greatly assured. Naturally there will be many struggles ahead and we must struggle hard.”

    And finally, Tim Wise, who wants to avoid being accused of using a homo-slur like Teabagging, simply compares the Tea Party to urine.

    Imagine this, Tim.

    If the Barack administration is beautiful, I just crapped a Tim Wise!

    • Dave permalink
      May 25, 2010 5:31 am

      Joe, I like TRUTH. Thank you.

    • Tim permalink
      October 20, 2010 4:46 pm

      Actually they did.

    • Adam permalink
      November 5, 2010 10:56 am

      Joe, to be honest i have seen many things in news reports and images etc on the tea party. Granted i live in europe, UK, but i would like to share some things i have seen on the internet, and my view point,
      1. Quote from teaparty billboard ‘Monkey, see Monkey spend’ RACIST
      2.Personally i have experienced the national UK health system, its good, it provides good healthcare, quick services, we dont spend that much on healthcare, in fact the UK spends LESS on healthcare each year per person than the US and the US doesn’t have national healthcare!!!!
      3. there are many examples of the TEA party being racist, frankly its just dissapointing. The US is a big place and has alot of effect on the world, you would think that it would be better at sorting out its problems.
      4. America often seems to be arrogant of the rest of the world, Obama is well travled and appears to have recognised what is good about the rest of the world. Healthcare is good it is a good idea (you will be saving money, with which you can pay of the debt of your private healthcare!)
      would liek to hear your reply Adam

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 8:13 pm

      Joe the hate monger. Joe lives in a vacuum and will only listen to Rush the hater, Hannity the hater, and the rest of the slime. Joe I am sorry that you have to live under the rule of Obama because you don’t have the brains to open your mind. Joe while do you feel so SUPERIOR? to the rest of us. Joe did you know that most minorties have served in the armed forces and know how to defend themselves. Joe do you know I would defend my rights to freedom against you or anybody else that threatens me. Joe do you know that the only thing you have left is to use phrases that you have heared from hate mongers about Obama! Come on Joe! you are superior to Obama, more educated, more experienced and man about the world. Joe stop being a recluse and join the rest of the world. It won’t ever be the way you really want it too. JOE JOE JOE!

  17. Mark permalink
    May 24, 2010 9:07 pm

    Black people are messed in the head.

    I tire of the whole lot of you. You screech and whine and holler “racism” every freakin’ time something annoys you.

    You know what? MY family was Irish Catholics and when they arrived in the U.S., they were greeted with signs that read “Irish Need Not apply.” You know what jobs they were offered? Digging the Erie Canal… by hand! That’s the ONLY job they were hired for. It took four generations to achieve ANY sort of upward mobility.

    You know what? This country fought the biggest, bloodiest war in history over (largely) the issue of slavery. Four-hundred, thousand dead… many of them fighting to abolish slavery.

    Just a quick question… how many white people risked their lives, their homes and their families to participate in the Underground Railroad? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? No one knows because it was such a secret that to even speak of it would invite arrest, financial ruin, execution and the execution of your family.

    How many white people cheered Jackie Robinson in the 1940s? How many white people were killed in Mississippi when they tried to register black people to vote in the 1950s? How many white people marched with Martin Luther King in the 1960s? How many white people voted for Barack Obama in 2008?

    I am sure that most black people want the same things that white people want; to own a home, have a job, watch your daughter go to college and watch your son become the star of the football team.

    But you know what? You ain’t gettin’ it without the help of some white people along the way… and there are millions of white people who would be happy to help but are completely exasperated with the bigoted treatment we receive from blacks.

    • Lena permalink
      October 3, 2010 4:22 pm

      Mark, Please remember that you and your family elected to come here. My people were captured and forced to come here made into slaves. Later generations of course were born here…they were not Irish they were Americans that is the big difference between your family and mine but guess what we were treated even worse than you..given those jobs no1 else wanted WERE NOT EVEN PAID FOR THEM. Learn the history before you start trying to recite facts!

      • Russ permalink
        October 10, 2010 5:51 pm

        Lena, One thing about history, it can’t be changed. If you keep living in the past, you’re sure to die in the past. Try going back to your African heritage, and explain the slavery, cannibalism, of your own kind. Should I look at all black people as slave owners and cannibals? Of course not. Should you look at all white people as southern slave owners? you tell me. As a mutt (considered white) I am starting to find being called a racist a bit of a bore. When I disagree with someone, it’s because I disagree with their ideology, and not the color of their skin. My grandmother was Navajo, her Husband, my grandfather was Scottish. My mothers parent were first generation Lebanese. They all had a rough time, but they NEVER bitched about it, they just worked hard, and raised their children to love America . If you hate this country so much, and you feel that you are being held back, then why not move back to Africa where you would feel equal. Of course you shouldn’t, Why? Because you’re an American, and with all it’s problems, is still the best Country in the world to live in.

  18. Ron permalink
    May 24, 2010 8:19 pm

    Wow@! Some of the dumbest comments I have ever seen. How did I get here? Do any of you idiots know that Black is a Color, not a Race? Just like illegal is not a Race it is an Adjective.

    Personally, I have never cared what color a Communist is – I hate them all just the same. Yes that is hate speech “… you can believe in.”

    Take our Country back means: The plain ‘ole Americans will take it back from the Native -Americans, the African-Americans, the Mexican-Americans, and all of the rest of the so called Hyphenated Americans. If you don’t want to be a plain ‘ole American why don’t you pack up and go back to your Hyphenated country of origin?


    • Jake permalink
      September 1, 2010 11:13 am

      dude, as long as you are not native american (indian) you are just as much immigrant as any other person on your list.

    • Donna permalink
      September 6, 2010 6:02 am

      LOL–do you realize you just said Native Americans should “go home”? Maybe YOU should go home!

    • commonsense.... permalink
      September 9, 2010 5:18 pm

      Ron, World War II is over.

      Your side lost (thank God).

      Please don’t make us go through that again. The views you express are unAmerican, a slap in the face to our forefathers who fought and died for our freedom, and a disgrace to all that America stands for. Please seek professional help or the advice of a clergyman.

  19. classical_liberal permalink
    May 24, 2010 7:56 pm

    ITT: Rampaging white guilt; aging hippies who want to feel relevant; unfair stereotyping of a group comprised of millions of individuals. Some progressives you all are.

  20. BEE permalink
    May 24, 2010 7:27 pm

    Seriously Tim? Black people and I am Black. No I did not vote for the least vetted candidate in modern politics. Anyone who tried to do so was branded a racist! What was your GPA was even deemed racist! Meanwhile Black People, who agree on almost nothing voted for him at a rate of 98%. But that wasn’t racist, PLLLLEEEASE! Of course it was! I support the Tea Party because I cherish the coveted freedom won for me with blood sweat and tears! All of which was shed by Black men and White men alike! Slaves were not armed, but our liberty was won! By whom Tim? Well since we didn’t have any guns, I submit to you, that it was White folks! I dare say the ancestors of these same patriots you now attempt to demonize. You are blinded by the pigment of a President with no skin in the game. He did not depend on civil rights for his advantages, because the side of his family that took care of him was White! If I were to turn your phrase, it would read, “Would Barry Soetero be POTUS if he was all White?” The answer: Hell no! I say to the Tea Party Patriots, I stand with you a like minded proud Patriot!

    • commonsense.... permalink
      September 9, 2010 5:28 pm

      Get a grip, Bee. The modern Tea Party activists did not fight in the Civil War, any more than the modern faux Minute Men fought during the Revolutionary War. What would be funny, if it weren’t so horribly unfair, is the way modern activists are usurping, and desecrating, our most cherished patriotic symbols, not to bring us together as a nation, but to tear us apart.

      Read the Declaration of Independence to see the ideals espoused by the REAL Minute Men and the REAL Tea Party instigators. Opposition to immigration was considered proof of the King’s tyranny, not a cause to be celebrated.

      And while the phrase “ALL men are created equal” was not perfectly adhered to at the time (the exhortations of visionaries like George Mason and others losing the day for a hundred years), in time we, as a nation, rectified the gross mistake. Do you really think that the descendants of former slaves “owe” something to the modern Tea Party activists? Why?

    • Russ permalink
      October 10, 2010 5:54 pm

      Thank you Bee. You are a true American

      • Bill permalink
        February 20, 2011 7:26 pm

        No! She is White Washed!

  21. John M permalink
    May 24, 2010 7:13 pm

    “The ability to threaten others, to engage in violent and incendiary rhetoric without consequence …” Give me a break. The protests that I have attended have all been extremely civil affairs. Yes, the people are angry at decades of worsening federal government misconduct and some people have crossed the line. The examples of bad behavior cited in this essay are the same ones repeated ad nauseum in the media and the blogosphere in a desperate attempt to characterize the movement as racially motivated. This essay is further proof that the definition of a racist is “someone who is winning an argument with a liberal.”

  22. Johnny56 permalink
    May 24, 2010 6:38 pm

    NOBODY at ANY TEA PARTIES showed up with weapons. Peroid.
    Never any voilence or threats of it. NONE.
    Sabatoge thugs did, howerver, to give the sharks in the media
    some red meat to eat.
    But… IMAGINE…. NEW BLACK PANTHERS showing up at a polling
    place in Philadelphia with weapons, albiet not guns.
    And THEN while video is available to PROOVE this happened,
    Attourney General Eric Holder DROPS THE CASE !!!
    Imagine that….

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 8:23 pm

      I don’t like the NBP but there are only about five of them. There are thousand of KKK and Skin Heads and nobody complains about them.

  23. Uncle Tom permalink
    May 24, 2010 6:15 pm

    Gee, let’s imagine if blacks were not on welfare and not pumping out kid after kid to stay on welfare. Let’s imagine that those did not work got the job on merit instead of affirmative action or because of some brotha or sista in management. Let’s imagine that they were not killers, rapists, thieves filling up our jails and prisons. Let’s imagine they knew who their father was. Let’s imagine they were decent and considerate of others, were not loud and cussing and kept their music down low.

    Hey, I like this imagine game.

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 7:37 pm

      No! You sound like a sick puppy.

  24. Randy Garmon permalink
    May 24, 2010 5:46 pm

    You’re full of s**t. Have the LA riots escaped your memory? You know the ones I mean. Where a black man bashed the head of a white woman in with a brick and then claimed to be a victim? Lots of that sort of thing happening there. Or better yet, let’s head to Philadelphia and other cities (Kansas City) where Black Panthers stood outside of voting stations in 2008 and intimidated voters as they came up….you know….white voters. I have never paid much attention to Tea Party activities but you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll participate now. And I’ll give you an ear full if you ever show your sorry backside at the school I teach at.

  25. Scott Snider permalink
    May 24, 2010 5:22 pm

    First let me say yes I am white and I am a tea party person. I have a chinese wife and a black son-law from my deceased first wife. I do not like the things that Obama is doing and passing in to law, I could care less about his color, I did not like Carter, Clinton, or much of what Bush did either domestically. I believe in a smaller Gov. low taxes and Whats so hard about that? I also believe in the Constitution as it was written in simple english that we can all understand. So unless you are for a BIG brother looking into all you do and wanting all your money, you should be with me in wanting changes back to what the Constitution says and nothing more, think about it!

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 9:39 pm

      Does your wife walk behind you?

  26. danagmorrison permalink
    May 24, 2010 5:20 pm

    Why do Black people prefer socialism over free market capitalism?

  27. steve Rainess permalink
    May 24, 2010 3:25 pm

    You people are a bunch of idiots if you think this is about race, it’s about keeping this country America. We don’t like his POLICIES. Do you know what that word means and how it differs from racism ? You won’t be happy until this country is broke and socialist, then you’ll be sorry and it’ll be to late. By the way I am not a Republican, I’m an Independent. I left the GOP because they were doing the same thing – only slower. Now were in the fast lane to a New World Order.

  28. andrea permalink
    May 24, 2010 3:05 pm

    lets take this game o the next level…
    what if the tea party was black, and a white president refered to them as “tea-baggers”? what is they were black and Nancy Pelosi called them Nazis? Goes both ways, my friend. Don’t tell me celebrities didn;t saw just a foul things about bush that Ted N said.

    i go thru what you wrote and most of what you said and very similar things happen white or black. you think the bush twins weren’t called just as bad or worse as the Obama girls?

    or how about this… what is Michele O was treated he same was as Palin? What if a bunch of conservites showed up at a Mchele appearance wearing a” Michele is a c-word” t-shirt? what if michele has a downs baby and mainstream TV made jokes about it?

    what if a member of the KKK stood outside a polling place during the last election with a baseball bat like a member of the black panthers did in philly ?

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 7:41 pm

      I would say that the KKK would get a lWHOOPINNNNNNNNG!!!!!!

  29. WhitemoonG permalink
    May 24, 2010 2:53 pm

    Well, I’m sympathetic to many legitimate concerns of the “tea party,” and I read this column, as I often do from sources I would not probably end up agreeing with, in the interest of communication, and intellectual honesty.

    And, to keep it brief, I don’t agree with the writer’s basic thesis, and am not impressed.

    Certainly, people are free to soak up and engage and study anything they please, and form their own opinions, and also maintain the freedom to change them over time,

    but for anybody listening, suffice it to say that there are numerous reasons to be legitimately concerned about Obama’s actions and stated objectives, whether one knows his background or not, regardless of what he looks like. Isn’t that what Dr. King dreamed of?

    For many similar reasons as pertains to current pressing problems and issues, I have nothing but disgust and the lowest possible regard for almost doctrinaire, fanatic leftists like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Schumer, Pat Leahy, Al Gore and his monumental, self enriching hypocrisy about “climate change,” ( the oceans have risen 2 feet every three months lately!), and on, and on. So If I, like the majority of Americans, disagree with and are concerned about the President’s agenda, which is very similar to all the aforementioned individuals, how does that make one a racist?

    There are always a few kooks and nuts in every group, and some of the ugly signs mentioned are certainly wrong, and unfortunate. And to the extent that they happened, you won’t catch me, or most like me, defending or not condemning them.

    However, such is a convenient, grossly exaggerated thing that does NOT fairly describe the movement as a whole, which almost entirely consists of average workaday people, moms, grandmas in wheelchairs, etc. etc.

    And, the initial “imagine if” premise by the writer, about imagine a bunch of right wingers, and tea partiers showing up with loads of weapons, machine guns, etc. etc. is a lot of bull.

    Conveniently passing them off as though this is what’s happening, or about to happen, is the worst form of unfair, and completely WRONG judging and demonizing people over what ISN’T and WON’t be the case.

    The nonsense about tea partiers loaded with weapons, etc. etc. is total FICTION.

    The only VIOLENT demonstrations we’ve witnessed in recent years are the predictable ones from the radical leftists, who riot, tear down and burn stuff in response to world trade summits, and that kind of stuff.

    There are numerous qualified people of different races than mine that I, and millions like me would support running for office in a heartbeat, based on WHAT THEY STAND FOR, and HOW THEY INTEND TO GOVERN, and who cares what they look like.

    And, millions voted for President Obama, knowing full well what he looks like, based on things stated in his campaign, who are now planning NOT to vote for him again, based on what he has DONE, and NOT DONE, unrelated to what he looks like. Since they knew what he looks like and voted for him anyway for other reasons, which is the way it should be, why are those who now question what the President’s been doing and proposing suddenly racists when they do so? Dare I politely raise the possibility that there is more racism to go around, sometimes even in small quantities, than some assume to be axiomatic?

    By the way, whatever happened to “question authority?”

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 8:30 pm

      You are living in a vacuum. What you are saying in essence that minorties should accept what is going on and not complained like they did for about two hundred years. Most Whites feel superior to the rest of the population and until that feeling is gone we won’t get along.

  30. Greg R permalink
    May 24, 2010 2:47 pm

    I don’t have to imagine this at all I have already seen it in my life time they called themselves Black Panthers and still do. This is just another distoted attempt at race baiting. The truth is the People have a right to protest no matter who they are or the color of their skin. I also note that you continue to rail on about AK 47s in the crowd even though that was a falsehood set up by the leftist media to discredit the Tea Party. Ignorance is contagious no matter who you are

  31. Ryan permalink
    May 24, 2010 2:23 pm

    Comparing political activists to minorities fighting for their fair share is pandering at its worst.

    Yes, there are people who hate Obama because he is half black but there are also people who hate Obama due to his political stances. I hate Obama because he will increase my taxes and increase government spending with my money – Fact.

    I don’t subscribe to left or right wing yahoos. I want to work hard, get paid for it and have the government leave me alone. Dems like getting into my business and Republicans love to start wars.

    I just want a government that will protect me and leave me alone.

    Fiscal conservative, socially liberal. There needs to be a new party instead of this two party nonesense.

  32. Ohmaar permalink
    May 24, 2010 2:12 pm

    Imagine a country where people are judged not by the color of their skin, but on the content of their character.

    The hatred I see on BOTH sides of this debate grieves my soul.

  33. Jerilyn B permalink
    May 23, 2010 2:44 pm

    ” While I admit that yes, straight white males did oppress and continue to oppress those who are colored, female, and LGBT, it’s not right to make the sons pay for the sins of their fathers. What I mean by that is that while there was racism in the past and still is in the present, measures like affirmative action have made it harder to be a straight white male”

    That myth can die where you planted it!
    You folks decided to commith these sins because your religion says that the sons will not pay for the sins of the fathers: My religion says you should.
    Affirmative action has not made it harder to be a straight white male. what white males have done is remove Affirmative Action. However, you have not removed the “Grand Father clause” that has protected white straight males for centuries. You just make more attempts to justify it! Remove the Grandfather Clause and Affirmative action will be obsolete.

  34. Jason Sullivan permalink
    May 21, 2010 8:20 am

    If I were purple and a pink man was president and a green woman told the pink man that purple people were people eaters would that be racist? Would it be seen the same if I were green, the president were purple and the woman pink?

    What year is it?
    Are we all still in jr. high school?

    Ignorance is ignorance.
    Regardless of pigmentation.

    It is people that make a living pointing out the mistakes of others who have the most to gain from these defects.

    I have seen our future and we are all the same. Dead.

    Enjoy it while you are here.

    The one you accuse and attack today just might own the hand that will pull you from future doom. Just hope they are forgiving. Even if you were never able to be.

  35. Brenda Smith=Keene permalink
    May 16, 2010 4:38 pm

    Great article!! Loved it!! Wish more people would get a grip on what is really going on in this country!!

  36. Pretzel Logic permalink
    May 14, 2010 6:55 am

    Rush is misquoted. In every case. This whole thing falls apart when you take Rush’s comments out of there doesn’t it. The Tea Party is also outraged at Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Steny Hoyer et al. What does that make them? Sexists? ani-old white guy? Recall the fact that Creigh Deeds, Jon Corzine and Martha Coakley are looking for work as a direct result of the Tea Party movement. Also, the latest polls show only 39% of Obama voters would vote for him again. Are those 10’s of Millions of people racists too. Nice Fairy Tale pal, but do your homework. Verify your quotes with Rush’s people. If he said those things I’ll apologize in any forum you choose.

  37. Ann Robb Smith permalink
    May 6, 2010 9:59 am

    Tim Wise is right on target! As a white, elderly woman, what can I do about it? I used to march for civil rights, I used to march to protest the VietNam war, I used to march on behalf of a woman’s right to choose, I used to write Letters to the Editor of the N.Y. Times and have them published (but not any more), but I feel helpless now to counter the virulent racism and anti-government propaganda of the Tea Party extremists. The press has not done nearly enough and where are the outcries from some of our white leaders???

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 7:53 pm

      Amen to you. I will Bestow upon you madam many awards for your COURAGE, UNDERSTANDING AND BRAVERY! Never give up hope and please keep on writing to let these Lost and Sick souls know that they have and will always be wrong! As long as they feel superior to another human being.

  38. Sharon Matchett permalink
    May 6, 2010 7:58 am

    After reading this, I got Between Barack And A Hard Place and just finished it. I’m blown away. It made me cry. My heart aches. I’m disillusioned, overwhelmed, shamed by my enormous ignorance, humbled, feeling like I should apologize for my life but realize that wallowing in that would only add insult to injury. My amends must consist of awareness, of no longer being silent but seeing and naming racism for what it is. I love my country and flag, but we’ve got it so wrong. We are not who and what we pretend to be.

  39. Dandelion permalink
    May 5, 2010 2:26 pm

    All I want to say is that….. Nick is really annoying. That is all. Goodbye.

    • Nick permalink
      May 6, 2010 8:09 am

      I agree!!! Most of these debates have gotten way off topic and I apologize..

  40. D Wells permalink
    May 5, 2010 1:07 pm

    In my opinion white priviledge shouldn’t mean life is easier because your white just that its not harder because your white. And most black people feel the same on the issue of welfare. There are plenty of people who take advantage of the system. Black and white. But it serves a good purpose in most cases. It is embarassing to me when I meet black folks who only want to live off the government and take advantage of tax payer money. I don’t agree with some of Obamas policies and some of the things hes done but I support the man because I think he has our best interest at heart. In one sense I think he needs a little more George Bush in him. GW was like here is what I think is best and this is what I’m gonna do. If you don’t like it suck it. Obama spends too much time trying to make everybody happy. And all that does is gives the other side a chance to poke holes in his argument. Any time you make major changes people are gonna scream about it.

    How do you lower Healthcare cost without forcing everyone to participate? When you buy a car you are forced to buy insurance or you can’t take the car off the lot. Y? Because most people cant afford to pay for car accidents out of pocket. The same is true for healthcare. Most people can’t afford to pay for a doctor out of pocket. When those people get sick my premiums go up. When they go to the emergency room for nonemergency care we pay for that. I know people aren’t used to being forced to buy healthcare but it is a necessary step if we are to level the playing feild.

    The reason America was the greatest country was because we were forward thinking and we looked out for our citizens. If we don’t look forward and move forward we are going to be left behind. Its time for some new ideas and ways of thinking. Or else were are gonna be left behind pining for the success we had in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s. The world has caught up. Its time for us to take that next great leap forward.

    • Nick permalink
      May 6, 2010 8:06 am

      With car insurance most STATE laws require you to buy just enough insurance to pay for damages to other cars that you hit.. they are not looking out for the person buying the car they are looking out for the people who might affected by the person…and of course car insurance is only required if you drive you car on public roads… You can drive uninsured vehicles in your backyard all day long…

      fortcing everyone to participate will NOT lower healthcare cost… at best it might be able to slow down the rise…. Look at automobile insurance… If there was no such thing as car insurance how much do you think a paint job would cost today? If people know a multimillion dollar corporation is absorbing most of the cost for a service then they will adjust the prices accordingly… Which is why a Coke cost more in metropolitan areas than rural areas…

      How to lower healthcare cost? using the paint job analogy.. you make the paint and required tools cheaper, more efficent and easier to access….Look at how the government has handled all it’s other programs Public education, Nasa, Social security… Do you really want this institute to handle an industry that affects your physical health? the reason all these other institutes fail is because every four years they come under new management…

      “I know people aren’t used to being forced to buy healthcare but it is a necessary step if we are to level the playing feild”
      The sad fact is when you try to level the playing field… the playing field gets lower and lower and lower until everyone is at the bottom…
      Anyhow in America… removing a freedom should NEVER be considered a necessary step..

  41. D Wells permalink
    May 3, 2010 8:19 am


    You are a bumbling idiot. If you don’t think there is a racist undertone to these freakin tea baggers you are the slowest person I have ever met. And for the record do you even know what a tea bagger is. stupid…. Where was the anger during the bush years. There is one thing I can respect about Bush that you nut suckers forget. He was honest about his dislike for the public. He made no apologies for his prejudices and did what he did. You fags on the other hang are hiding behind a “revolution” that has no agenda. You guys don’t advocate for anything or have any ideas. The Gay Olde Party lost. You guys had eaight years to screw it up. Now its our turn. And all you can do is bend over and take it. But as a man that understands power whenever things change thier will be a violent reaction from the status quo. So strike out as much as you want it only shows me that Obama is doing what hes supposed to be doing. So protest and make fools of yourselves because what you don’t realize is that there are more people out here with a vote that support Obama that don’t rally than thier are silly ass tea baggin fruitscakes who like balls dipped in thier mouths.

    • Nick permalink
      May 3, 2010 8:59 am

      As i try to rifle through all those vulgar insults to actually see what you point is.. I take it to say that america is against the Tea Party and for Obama… most polls indicated that people feel the tea party movement is closer to their ideals than Obama’s policy… and as over today… 51 percent of VOTERS polled indicate the disapprove of Obama…. Just sayin…

      • D Wells permalink
        May 3, 2010 12:49 pm

        They have never called me or anybody I know for a political poll and even still I wouldn’t waste my time answering it. So all the polls are biased. My point is that you talk and talk and talk but the only way to understand us is to be us. Like I said earlier I can respect a racist if you just come out and say I hate black people but to try to disguise it as patriotism is rediculous. You have no idea of the effects being black has on a mans mental state. You have no idea what its like to be in the minority, opressed. How long does it take to recover from 500 years of slavery?? 100 years? 200 years? Its only been 50 years or so that they stopped lynching us. So give the black community time and understanding and notice that to be where we are today is a miracle. Another point I want to make is I don’t understand why poor white people hated blacks in the first place. In a way racism was a way for rich white folks to distract poor white folks from what was really going on. They gave poor white folks someone to hate so they wouldn’t hate the rich opressors. I love everybody no matter race sex religion or sexual orientation, but you stirr up a lot of strong emotions when you try to dismiss what black people clearly see as racism. Why not just say i personally don’t hate black people and that you are only against obamas policies but to sit here and defend a racist group only proves what you stand for. For God’s sake they spit on black politicians and said kill the bill nigger on the capitol steps no less. Is that racist or not????? You first have to be honest with yourself and learn to listen to those who are more knowlegeable than yourself. I’m sure you wuld agree that black people would have more insight into whats racist in this country and what is not. You being white are an amatuer when it comes to noticing racism. So listen a little and open your mind. Your narrow view of the world would change if you were in the shoes of others….

      • Nick permalink
        May 3, 2010 1:15 pm

        For God’s sake they spit on black politicians and said kill the bill nigger on the capitol steps no less. Is that racist or not?????
        … did you happen to see that video? I did.. it seemed more like an accidental overspray than a spit… also didn’t one of the senators walking along side of the congressman that swore he heard the word nigger fifteen times later say the only slurs he heard was “faggot” directed at another senator? and isn’t there a still unclaimed reward for any video in that highly recorded event that proves someone called the congressman a racial slur?

        Maybe it’s hard for me to understand racism because were I live the majority of it’s citizens are black… The make on average as much as whites do… hmmmm…
        You tell me to open my mind…. is that true or do you just want me to close my mind to your view?

      • D Wells permalink
        May 3, 2010 1:37 pm

        Nothing is ever won through argument. i simply stated what I see as fact. If you don’t agree fine. But living in a place where there are a lot of black people doesn’t make you an expert on the plight of black people. I live in DC the blackest city in the country and I still experience racism here… Simply stating that black people in your area make as much as whites is reason for me to believe you have no insight at all. I went to Penn State a lot of white folks there but I wouldn’t dare sit here and insinuate that I know whats going on in your head or to make statements about how the country views/treats you.

        We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, Now you get mad!?…
        You didn’t get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.
        You didn’t get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy.
        You didn’t get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.
        You didn’t get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
        You didn’t get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
        You didn’t get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war.
        You didn’t get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.
        You didn’t get mad when you found out we were torturing people.
        You didn’t get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.
        You didn’t get mad when we didn’t catch Bin Laden.
        You didn’t get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.
        You didn’t get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.
        You didn’t get mad when we gave a 900 billion tax break to the rich.
        You didn’t get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark.

        You finally got mad when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick.
        Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all okay with you,
        but helping other Americans…oh hell no.”

      • Nick permalink
        May 3, 2010 10:22 pm

        no… I got mad when opposition toward politics turned into racism….

      • Nick permalink
        May 3, 2010 10:38 pm

        Oh yeah I did get mad when we didn’t catch bin laden.. In the clinton administration…when we had bin laden in our sights and clinton let him go….

        I also got made when people got forced to buy a private product or pay a fine…. there is a fine line between a right and a requirement.. we have the right to bear arms but we are not fined if we choose not to exercise that right… but anyhoo this article isn’t about politics.. it’s about racism… and to put race into political motivation…Does nothing to help either side…

        “I wouldn’t dare sit here and insinuate that I know whats going on in your head or to make statements about how the country views/treats you.”

        oddly your post before this statement reads…

        “You being white are an amatuer when it comes to noticing racism”

        as I said in my very first post on this article… “Hello pot, my name is kettle and you’re white…..”

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 6:19 am

        Oh man… I thought you actually had your own opinion.. I didn’t know you just copied all those “you didn’t get mad when” statements off of other websites… dang…also if you state a fact and I don’t agree that is NOT fine.. if you state an opinion and I don’t agree that is fine…

      • D Wells permalink
        May 4, 2010 8:05 am

        My grandmother once told me some people will argue with a stop sign and I’m pretty sure she was talking about you. Only a fool argues with a fool. Have a good day racist!!

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 8:22 am

        I think D. Wells effectively summed up my entire arguement in one sentence…..

        “you stirr up a lot of strong emotions when you try to dismiss what black people clearly see as racism.”

        When I was in 1st grade I got in a fight with about ten other boys… Why? Because I called their mother’s a whore.. why did I do that? Because I didn’t know what the meaning of the word whore was… and got tricked into saying everybody’s mom is a whore by an older boy… (yes this is a true story) Now by saying everybody’s mom was a whore did I mean I felt like their mother’s slept around.. of course not..I was in first grade i didn’t even know what sex was..let alone whore.. truth be told the boys probably didn’t know either…all they knew was “You don’t call my momma a whore”…

        I think this article is doing the same thing… It’s taking words from people who are mad at the government and turning them into “your mother is a whore”… If I can’t see what black people clearly deem as racist.. maybe.. just maybe.. the protestors can’t see it either.. and if the protestors can’t see that they are being racist.. then are they still racist? Sure there are people who are against Obama purely because of his race… but shouldn’t we give the benefit of the doubt? If that would’ve happened to me in school.. it might of saved my mother alot of embarassment…

    • Nick permalink
      May 4, 2010 8:58 am

      D Wells
      My grandmother once told me some people will argue with a stop sign and I’m pretty sure she was talking about you. Only a fool argues with a fool. Have a good day racist!!

      see how easy it is to call someone racist?
      can someone please show me where I considered my race to be superior to others? i bet he probably thinks I called his mother a whore too… and just for the record neither are true 🙂

      • D Wells permalink
        May 4, 2010 10:53 am

        I love a good debate. Great mental exercise.

        So now your position is that you and others don’t see or realize that your actions and rhetoric is offensive to minorities???? Thats weak. Could you go to court for murder and tell the judge oh i didn’t realize that bullet in the head was gonna kill him so I shouldnt be held responsible. I just think that after the history in this country people should try to error on the side of caution as to whether or not you are being offensive. If a group says its offensive use your brains and express yourselves in a more constructive tone that doesn’t conjur up thoughts of 60s era civil rights protests and lynchings. If you don’t see how it effects others we are telling you right here right now that your actions only further racial divide and hatred in this country. These tea baggers have said nothing but we hate Obama. Nothing of substance. What are the policies? What is the agenda besides getting rid of Obama and healthcare? But as I stated earlier nothing is ever won through arguement. Even if I convince you to take my position you will resent me for being right and proving that my perspective and point of view is superior to yours. So believe as you choose. You are entitled to your opinions and I am entitled to mine. If you were to make some logical points I am pragmatic enough to see things from another point of view to a certain extent but there is no way in hell you are gonna tell me that a huge group of my people could rally in VA MD or DC with assualt rifles and nothing come of it. You can’t tell me the media would portray it as blacks expressing thier rights. We would be called radical black nationalist and accused of trying to stir up dissent in the black population. A threat the government wouldn’t take lightly. We had a group that exercised thier 2nd amendment right and carried fire arms legally and they killed or locked up everyone of them. The black panther party… I know your gonna have something to say about them in a negative light. Probably they hated white folks, which I disagree with but even if they did they had a right too. I see no reason for white folks to hate us. What did blacks ever do to deserve the hate?

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 12:42 pm

        interesting point… Black people have a RIGHT to hate white people… I won’t even go into that debate…but yes NOW since Obama just recently passed the law.. Black people can carry firearms in a national park and protest!!! that “white priveledge” was signed into law by a black president… before 2009 ANYBODY black or white would’ve have been arrested!
        I view the black panthers with equal animosity as I do the KKK… I believe nobody has a right to hate… My problem is when it comes to politics.. people shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells when protesting the president because he’s black… He’s still the president… people disagree with how he’s running the country…they are using the same forms of protest as they have since this country was founded…
        that’s not racial equality.. thats racial supremacy… The tea party doesn’t deny any race at their rallies.. they don’t shun black protestors… their problem is with a president not a race of people…

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 12:58 pm

        Could you go to court for murder and tell the judge oh i didn’t realize that bullet in the head was gonna kill him so I shouldnt be held responsible.

        should I be held responsible if I was shooting blanks and someone put a real bullet in the gun? or should the person who changed the ammo be held responsible? metaphorically like Tim Wise has done with this article?

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 1:04 pm

        as for policies.. HMMMMMM… Lets see other than healthcare Obame plans to grant amnesty for illegal immigrants.. He refused to interview with the largest cable news network because they disagreed with him… He got a noble peace prize for doing absolutely nothing except keeping our soldiers in harms way while he took his sweet time to decide whether or not to grant his generals request for more solders… He campaigned against not having a bush administration…but then rebukes his practices with “well bush did it”… There is a laundry list of what makes obama suck but I’ve gotta go to work…

      • D Wells permalink
        May 4, 2010 1:26 pm

        as for policies.. HMMMMMM… Lets see other than healthcare Obame plans to grant amnesty for illegal immigrants.. He refused to interview with the largest cable news network because they disagreed with him… He got a noble peace prize for doing absolutely nothing except keeping our soldiers in harms way while he took his sweet time to decide whether or not to grant his generals request for more solders… He campaigned against not having a bush administration…but then rebukes his practices with “well bush did it”… There is a laundry list of what makes obama suck but I’ve gotta go to work…

        You didn’t suggest a policy in that whole paragraph. Youve stated over and over again what you are against. What are you for????? Is there anything Obama has done that you like? And who could have done a better job? Please GOD don’t say McCain n that bimbo…..

      • Nick permalink
        May 5, 2010 10:36 am

        Oh i’m sorry by policy I didn’t mean laws but ideals.. and sorry it was a short list I was heading out to work yesterday…

        Ok some laws that make Obama suck…
        Highest single tax increase on cigarrettes ever.. not many people that make over $200,000 smoke…
        Federal funding overseas abortions….
        Giving Interpol Diplomatic Immunity.. Now an International police organization can operate within our borders and that organization is immune from search and siezure from our police… Getting rid of the space shuttle program…
        Giving terrorists who declared war one our country civilian trials…
        Continuing the Bush administration policy of warrentless wiretaps that you apparrently got mad about last presidency.. but no worries a judge overruled them both!

        One thing Obama did that I liked was the law that Obama signed that allowed guns in national parks.. I mean if we have a federal right to bear arms we should be able to exercise that right on federal land… but look how that turned out…

        What am I for… I’m for healthcare reform in the since of reducing costs in order to increase availibility… I don’t see the logic in giving everyone health insurance as a means of reducing costs… it seems you’d have the same effect if you banned health insurance all together and let the laws of supply and demand take effect… I mean a good portion of medical cost goes to paying people just to word the detials of the procedure correctly to meet insurance standards… I believe mandating anyone to buy a private product makes calling america the land of the free an oxymoron… sure this law does have good intention but the path to hell is paved with good intention…

        I’m for self reliance… I believe that welfare programs can be neneficial but should be considered socially shameful in order to promote getting back to work… Today there are so many people on government programs that don’t really need it.. but it bets getting a job.. as Benjamin franklin once said the best way to remedy poverty is to make being poor an undesirable option…. With government housing, Food stamps, welfare checks, free cell phone programs and soon free health insurance for some who make above the poverty level… There are actually people in this country who are experiencing a better quality of life than my family and don’t work at all…When I was a manager I saw people come to me to sign a piece of paper saying they applied for a job.. I told them I would hire them.. they left.. There have been many times in my life were I could’ve of qualified for government assistance but instead I just got a second job… I may not have much but what I do have I can safely say I got on my own.. And things are strarting to get better.. hard work is paying off and I’m getting a house and degree! But what worries about articles like this is.. When my daughter grows up and after all i’m doing to be able to one day to help her out.. I fear her success will be because of “White priviledge” instead of a father who has worked sometimes very close to the point of insanity due to lack of sleep to give her a better life…

  42. Drei permalink
    May 2, 2010 9:35 pm

    Although the comments are never ending and deserve a separate website to continue, the article is great. It has a mirror-in-the-face type feel. No one likes to realize that they are ugly or that they are unoriginal. Peace.

  43. Colleen permalink
    April 29, 2010 8:20 pm

    The first part of this was brilliant and accurate. No way could blacks show up in Washington with guns and be seen as anything but violent. Most would end up in jail and the police would panic. There is definite white privlege involved.

    The second half is stupid because almost all of it did happen under George Bush. I don’t hear anyone in the black community telling Al Sharpton to shut the heck up given his horrible involvements in the deaths of people during race protests where YES ” hate Jews” WAS shouted. Louis Farrakhan still holds some celebrity status in certain communities and we elected Barack Obama regardless of his incredibly tight ties with Jeremiah Wright. Welcome to the world of politics buddy, both sides are doing it and to pretend otherwise is hypocritical and does little to solve the ultimate problem.

    As a white person and Republican I believe that as long as we have David Dukes and Michael Savage that the blacks should be allowed their Al Sharptons and Louis Farrakhans. But personally, I think we would all be better off if they all went away.

    • Nick permalink
      May 3, 2010 8:44 am

      The odd thing about the guns in DC… Before Obama was president… Those protestors would’ve been arrested… because in may 2009 Obama made the law that allowed those guns in national parks…

    • Richard permalink
      May 19, 2010 10:47 pm

      Bravo. None are innocent.

  44. Thomasin permalink
    April 29, 2010 11:09 am

    I have a question: is it possible for people that believe in limited government to have a respectful conversation with people who believe that the government is the source of all good? If so, I would like to converse in a rational respectful way with someone on the other side of the ideological spectrum. If it makes you more comfortable, you can call me by whatever epithet you choose: right-winger, tea-bagger or truther. Racist, I won’t buy, however. The first presidential candidate I ever voted for was Jesse Jackson in the 80’s.

    • Richard permalink
      May 19, 2010 10:45 pm

      I am a Black, retired Army officer. Politically, I guess you could place me slightly left of center. I voted for Obama after much deliberation because I thought he was the best man in the race. I struggled long with that decision because of our racial affinity and my military affinity w/John McCain. (Believe it or not, Obama was not the initial choice of a lot of Black males.) It wasn’t until late September ’08 that I made my choice. Three factors decided me: (1) McCain’s selection of Palin, which I saw as a cynical move to capitalize on Hilary losing the Democratic nomination — and that was before Palin demonstrated her own political shortfallings; (2) McCain’s own response to the developing financial crisis — suspending (?) a Presidential campaign to play a non-role in developing a coordinated political response to a crisis in an area you had already claimed was not your strong suit; and (3) the total disoganization and lack of focus of the campaign, the lack of a central guiding theme, convinced me the man’s heart wasn’t really in the scenario that was developing as time progressed. So, in short, Obama did not win MY vote; McCain lost it.

      That said, do I support everything the President has done since coming into office? I understand it, but do I support it? Not everything. Specifically, I think he made the wrong call on Afghanistan and I think the healthcare reform was handled wrong. (needed, yes, but mismanaged).

      So why do I loathe the Tea Party fiasco? Because as a Black American, it scares me. I distrust its roots, I distrust its underlying philosophy, I distrust its very ratioanle. And, yes as the author of this article points out – for better or worse – I wonder what would happen if its racial composition was different.

      I do not see the apocalyptic significance of the current national situation as the Tea Party and its handlers have been howling for the last 15 months based on having lived, served and voted through the last 40 years of our history. In truth, I’ve seen worse — much worse — and no one got this silly (or partisan), except in the late ’60s – now that was truly scary.

      All this about money we’ve been wasting adminstration after adminstration since Nixon if not before, with the same issues — healthcare, social security, regulatory reform, lost jobs, failing education systems, entitlement culture, energy shortfalls — being recognized without real constructive action again and again. Makes one really wonder, why is it such a burning issue now and not 5, 10, 20 years ago? Is it really the current administration’s fault that the illegal immigrant issue hasn’t been addressed in the last 16 months? It just became a major concern in the last year and a half? Really?

      If someone can explain the Tea Party grievances rationally to me, I’ll listen and consider. But, don’t discount my suspicion nor (dare I say it) my assurance that the Second Amendment applies to me and my fellow travellers, also.

  45. Kay Wilson permalink
    April 29, 2010 5:12 am

    Thank you for saying what my husband I have been saying to each other for weeks .

    Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. pat curtis permalink
    April 28, 2010 1:52 pm

    This is a provoking article, one that really made me think. Thank you for that.

  47. Jeff permalink
    April 28, 2010 10:44 am

    What if Jesus Christ was accurately depicted in the hundreds of Renaissance paintings of him throughout the world as a dark skinned man..which he had to be!

    • Nick permalink
      April 28, 2010 2:13 pm

      Absolutely nothing! True Christians do not worship graven images…

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 28, 2010 6:33 pm

        The why do they always depict him as a white man despite the fact that this cannot be historically accurate?

      • Nick permalink
        April 29, 2010 4:43 pm

        In the Renaissance era they probably didn’t know better… The portrayal stuck…

      • sara permalink
        May 1, 2010 9:16 pm

        i think it is unfair to dismiss the practice like that.

        i find it more likely that as european artisans they read and/or were taught that man was made in the image of god..and thus, depicted god, and his son as white europeans. arguably simple in its beginnings. however in continuing this depiction through centuries, and specifically in this country the limited availability of more multi-cultural depictions in effect added another dimension to the racial inferiority that systems such as slavery instilled.

        my point here being (and tim wise has spoken on this topic) that imagery, advertisements and schemas therein enable if not instigate racial seperatism..especially in america where racism is so historically relevant.

        and as my last little note…may i just point out that ‘race’ as a term (and we all know the power of language) was invented (as words are) only a matter of centuries ago…and used in the basis of the inferiority of blacks that science and medicine collaborated to prove…as a means to validate social inequality (enslavement of blacks).

      • Nick permalink
        May 2, 2010 6:05 pm

        wow… EVERYTHING it appears can be construed as racist…

  48. Susan Rashka permalink
    April 28, 2010 10:08 am

    I would like to see unity of the people of our country and our president has the potential to lead us towards this unity. Unfortunately, I am seeing more divisiveness. What can be done about this without pointing fingers?

    • Nick permalink
      April 28, 2010 2:05 pm

      when everyone realizes Obama is just another President and is being treated as such… If John Mccain won the presidency and followed this exact same agenda he would have been equally protested against….

  49. Patrick permalink
    April 27, 2010 7:05 pm

    I honestly laugh at the people who say that white men like me have it made. I am a college age student, and I find it highly frustrating that the majority of scholarships and government grants are for people who are not white, not male, or neither. I got told to apply for as many scholarships as I could, and I could only find one where race or gender was not a major factor.

    Let’s take this a bit further, yes?

    At a high school one of my friends goes to, there are clubs that students can only join if they are colored. There are Mexican clubs, African-American clubs, Gay clubs and so on. My friend tried to start a White Straight Male Club (not what it was called but that was basically it) and nearly got expelled from the school.

    While I admit that yes, straight white males did oppress and continue to oppress those who are colored, female, and LGBT, it’s not right to make the sons pay for the sins of their fathers. What I mean by that is that while there was racism in the past and still is in the present, measures like affirmative action have made it harder to be a straight white male.

    Unfortunately, in any human society, there will be the oppressors and the oppressed. It’s human nature. That doesn’t make it right, and that doesn’t mean it cannot be changed, but until the entire human race can reprogram itself willingly, that’s how it is.

    • Jennifer permalink
      April 28, 2010 6:29 pm


      As a male, you are actually a beneficiary of affirmative action, not a victim. Colleges have begun a quiet policy affirmative action for males. They are consistently admitting boys whose academic and extra curricular qualifications are mediocre over much more highly qualified girls. They are doing this to try to maintain a gender balance on campuses. In all likelihood, as a white male currently in college, you probably benefited from this practice. Are you still against it?

      Additionally, what are alumni scholarships if not (by and large) affirmative action for white males?

  50. Lotta permalink
    April 27, 2010 11:47 am

    Samuel Foster, ignoring the fact that Kanye West is an inflamatory idiot himself, do you really claim that the statement “George Bush hates black people” made in the immediate post-Katrina aftermath when presidential neglect and inaction was clear and undisputed, is EQUAL to “He’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on my machine gun”? Really???

  51. Elliott permalink
    April 27, 2010 9:40 am

    According to the Tea Party they are against more taxes and I can understand that except I smell something more sinister. Correct me if I an incorrect about the origins of the original Tea Party. According to what I learned in US History the Tea Party was formed to protest against the British Government taxing the new settlers in America because they had no representation and the theme “No taxation with representation”. If that is true than why don’t the Tea Party support those good people in Washington, DC in getting them representation because that are taxed just like those people in the Tea Party but those people in the Tea Party at least have representation. It is my opinion that it is far worse to be over taxed with no representation than just being over taxed.


    • April 27, 2010 9:58 am

      The real Boston Tea Party was a protest against huge corporate tax cuts for the British East India Company, the largest transnational corporation then in existence. This corporate tax cut threatened to decimate small Colonial businesses by helping the British East India Company pull a Wal-Mart against small entrepreneurial tea shops, and individuals began a revolt that kicked-off a series of events that ended in the creation of The United States of America.

    • Nick permalink
      April 27, 2010 2:28 pm

      To me the Tea Party Protestors feel that they aren’t being represented fairly…. Unfair representation is worse than no representation at all… hence the protest… The Health care law was passed by people who were supposed to be OUR representatives… it won a narrow victory because of deals made by the president to the democrats… Had the deals been out of this bill it wouldn’t have been made law… Obama circumvented the will of the people in order to pass his law…

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 28, 2010 6:23 pm


        “To me the Tea Party Protestors feel that they aren’t being represented fairly…. Unfair representation is worse than no representation at all”

        So you agree that women and people of color are even more unfairly represented in Congress and the history of the Presidency and have even more of a right to be disgruntled than Tea Partiers (based on their historical and current representation)? Correct?

        Which deals did the President make? My understanding is that Congress writes and passes laws and the only “deals” I saw Obama make was numerous concessions to Republican demands (e.g. – dropping the public option, abortion funding, etc.). Please elaborate.

      • Nick permalink
        April 29, 2010 5:59 pm

        Well the abortion thing wasn’t dropped… Obama signed an executive order (which can easily be reverse on the whim of him or any future president without consent of congress) in order to get the final democrat votes… Louisana purchase to get those votes…One senator got a hospital they been asking for for years after announcing support for the bill….

        “So you agree that women and people of color are even more unfairly represented in Congress and the history of the Presidency and have even more of a right to be disgruntled than Tea Partiers (based on their historical and current representation)? Correct?”

        I believe they were both at one time equally disgruntled and had movements bigger than the tea party movement… I believe statistically they are more than fairly represented because most laws that are race/gender specific are for the benefit of the minority of the group…To say that 17% percent of congress should be black because 17% of america is black is not really fair representation.. because that would imply that a state with more or less than 17% population of black people would be unfairly represented… Therefore demographically accurate representation in congress would be mathematically unfair but representation based on idealogies of the majority reflected by those represented is fair regardless or the representatives race/gender… I believe majority rules is the fairest way to run a nation…One man’s oppression is another man’s paridise.. no matter what laws are enacted it’s gonna strike a nerve with someone… So we must strive for fairness on the nation as a whole… This healthcare law and the way it was passed was/is not considered fair to the nation as a whole… considering the majority of the people as a whole still do not like the law…

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 30, 2010 8:32 pm

        Re: the healthcare bill concessions. I believe the bill was authored by Harry Reid and those concessions were made by senators and reps.

        “I believe statistically they are more than fairly represented because most laws that are race/gender specific are for the benefit of the minority of the group” – And I believe that if they were fairly represented those laws protecting them would not be necessary. To say that a law protecting someone from being attacked for their race or giving women the right to vote is some kind of perk is kind of twisted thinking.

        “I believe majority rules is the fairest way to run a nation” – Then I guess I don’t your problem with Obama. He was elected by the majority. And since women are the majority in this country, I trust you would be supportive of any laws that reflect the desires of a majority of women, which likely work out to be the majority of society? Awesome.

        “You say me being white gives me an advantage…hmmmm my boss is black… I’m one of only two white guys working in my department… I don’t get paid anymore than anyone else” – So, if your black boss and co-workers decided to pay you less because you are white, would that be ok? It would be the desire of the majority after all.

        “One man’s oppression is another man’s paridise” – Indeed, one only need to look at slavery to verify this.

      • Nick permalink
        May 1, 2010 2:13 pm

        “Re: the healthcare bill concessions. I believe the bill was authored by Harry Reid and those concessions were made by senators and reps”
        True but there where also concessions made outside of the bill that garnered votes… I.E. the exectutive order and the hospital that came out of nowhere…

        – And I believe that if they were fairly represented those laws protecting them would not be necessary. To say that a law protecting someone from being attacked for their race or giving women the right to vote is some kind of perk is kind of twisted thinking

        -We have also laws protecting people from theft…are those considered perks? If I was to imply they were perks I wouldn’t have considered it fairness…

        . And since women are the majority in this country, I trust you would be supportive of any laws that reflect the desires of a majority of women, which likely work out to be the majority of society? Awesome.

        – I do believe I said the exact oppisite of what your concluded… I said a demographically accurate representation would be an unfair representation… that would apply to majorities as well as minorities… Politics should be more based on idealogy than demographics..

        So, if your black boss and co-workers decided to pay you less because you are white, would that be ok? It would be the desire of the majority after all.
        -I make less than many of the black people i work with right now not because I’m white but because I’m basically new to the department… One been there a year and a half… compared to twenty for some… I’ve work for a company where a black man made 10 cents more an hour than me and I was his supervisor… was it because he was black? Nope… it was because he had a family and his payrate was negotiated on that fact when he got hired….

        “One man’s oppression is another man’s paridise” – Indeed, one only need to look at slavery to verify this.
        -Well if you want to use slavery as an example.. there are cases in america were free blacks during the slavery era petitioned to become slaves because they couldn’t support themselves…
        I hope I’ve clarified my position.. It would be easier for me if you actually given me your position or are you just playin the devil’s advocate? 🙂

      • Jennifer permalink
        May 1, 2010 9:04 pm

        “-We have also laws protecting people from theft…are those considered perks? If I was to imply they were perks I wouldn’t have considered it fairness…
        I believe statistically they are more than fairly represented because most laws that are race/gender specific are for the benefit of the minority of the group”

        Laws that are race/gender specific are for the protection of minority groups. It may seem like a benefit because they are trying to correct injustices that put a group at a disadvantage. They are meant to make thinks equal. But in order for things to become equal one person has to give up their advantage. So I guess if you are losing your advantage it can seem like it is benefiting the other person, which it is but not unfairly. Well, I guess unfair in the sense that you personally may be losing out but it is also unfair that the other person is behind and you are ahead because of past policies. As far as fairness goes, it is not fair that blacks were relegated to ghettos due to redlining. It is not fair that women only make 70 cents to every dollar a man makes for the same work because of sexism. It is not fair that whites as a group are much more wealthy than blacks because of wealth accrued over the years due to unfair laws. Yes, life is unfair and making things more fair is a painful process.

        “- I do believe I said the exact oppisite of what your concluded… I said a demographically accurate representation would be an unfair representation… that would apply to majorities as well as minorities… Politics should be more based on idealogy than demographics..”

        Yes, I think I worded my argument poorly. Because ideology and demographics are often (not always, but often) strongly correlated with demographics, I was making the point that many would likely feel the same about certain issues. Such as a law enforcing equal pay for equal work.

        “-I make less than many of the black people i work with right now not because I’m white but because I’m basically new to the department… One been there a year and
        a half… compared to twenty for some… ”

        That would make sense, pay based on seniority. My point was that if the majority colluded to give you – the minority – less, would that be ok since it is the will of the majority. The problem with blindly honoring the will of the majority is that that often leads to the minority getting trampled. That is why we have laws to protect the ones who don’t have the clout to protect themselves. At one time, a majority of the people in the South thought slavery and Jim Crow laws were ok. In many Muslim countries, the majority think it is ok to kill a female for “dishonoring” their families. In Sudan, a majority of one ethnic group thought it was their duty to eradicate another ethnic group with machetes. Are these things ok just because the majority thinks they are? I understand your argument about democracy and majority rule and all that. And I agree with it, but with caveats. Human nature, fairness, and protection of all citizens, even those who aren’t fortunate to have the majority on their side have to be taken into consideration.

        I’ve work for a company where a black man made 10 cents more an hour than me and I was his supervisor… was it because he was black? Nope… it was because he had a family and his payrate was negotiated on that fact when he got hired….

        Are you sure it’s because he had a family and his pay rate was based on that? Because if that is really the reason, that is illegal. Employers cannot make pay decisions based on someone’s family situation. In the past, that was used as an excuse to pay women less than men. If you really think that’s the case then you should talk to the EEOC. Because there are laws to protect people like you. 🙂 Kind of ironic, huh? Given our discussion.

        “One man’s oppression is another man’s paridise” – Indeed, one only need to look at slavery to verify this.
        -Well if you want to use slavery as an example.. there are cases in america were free blacks during the slavery era petitioned to become slaves because they couldn’t support themselves…”

        I don’t know if that’s true or not but assuming it is… why do you think that occurred? As you said yourself, because they couldn’t support themselves. Why do you think they couldn’t support themselves? Let’s look at the circumstances they lived in… black people were prohibited by law from learning how to read. There were no schools for them to go to so they had no education. Most likely people would not hire them because they were black and if they did get hired they probably were not making enough money to survive. Their families had been torn apart and sold all over the south so they had no family they could rely on to help them out. So if you had no education, probably couldn’t even read, couldn’t get work that would allow you to feed yourself and you had been sold as a child so had no parents to help you, what would you do? Remember, there is no welfare, no housing assistance, no food stamps and laws are designed to keep you down. How would you feed yourself? People make all kinds of concessions to survive. Additionally, have you ever heard of people who have been in prison becoming institutionalized? Or the Stockholm Syndrome? There are a lot psychological things that happen to people in abusive situations and when they are powerless.

        “I hope I’ve clarified my position.. It would be easier for me if you actually given me your position or are you just playin the devil’s advocate? ”

        Not playing devil’s advocate. If I was, I would have noted it. I thought I was giving my position but maybe they were all wrapped up in examples or posed as questions or something.

      • Nick permalink
        May 2, 2010 12:17 pm

        Lets take on Equal work for equal pay for a minute>>>> since we have gotten WAAYYYY off topic. lol! The best way to end such oppression would be to simply remove the silly cultural idea that “Mom stays at home and Dad works” ideology… Today most females who work also have a Male counterpart with a job or other means of income such as child support while most men do not… As we move closer and closer to equal pay for women you will see the more and more women working not because they want too.. but because pay rates will be based off the assumption that male employees have working female counterparts and are no longer the sole providers for their families… So some will lose what they consider female priviledge of being stay at home mom’s…. One woman’s paradise is also one woman’s oppression…

        as with the slavery issue about being institutionalized and unable to provide for themselves… Most slaves had to petition to be free back in those days… the reason for that was that the people didn’t want slave owners to set their slaves free if they where a burden to the slaveowners (like being old and feeble and no longer able to work) they had to give evidence of a slaves “Ability to earn a livelyhood in an honest way”… You know only 1.4 percent of americans owned slaves… and most of the slaves were taught many professions, most of them where indoor slaves who served as cooks and butlers and were taught how to read.. Only 1 percent of all those slave holders owned more than five slaves…anyhoo that’s a whole nother debate in and of itself…and yes I completly condemn slavery

        You say blindly following the will of the majority tramples on the minority.. Like with the civil rights movement? Like all laws that were once designed to oppress minorities All laws designed to help minorities have been because of the ideology of the majority… What about Illegal immigration? There is a minority of people in america here illegally that feel they should be granted citizenship because of all their hardwork.. the majority still believe that the work they did was done illegally and they should be deported… If we granted them amnesty.. and they still worked for crappy jobs.. could they then say they need affirmative action type laws and better welfare to give them equal footing with other citizens who have lived here for centuries and are currently living of the success of thier ancestors? You said in business senority should recieve more pay… what about in society?

      • Nick permalink
        May 3, 2010 9:41 am

        Well I would love to continue this debate but my lady wants me off the computer for a while… Good points by all!!!

  52. Ian permalink
    April 27, 2010 6:57 am

    Yeah, America’s racist. What has that got anything to do with taxes and bailouts? (go ahead burn me, I know little about the tea party)

  53. April 26, 2010 10:26 pm

    Word UP!

    thank you for speaking the truth so eloquently and so thoroughly!

  54. Samuel Foster permalink
    April 26, 2010 9:03 pm

    In response to “Imagine that a rap artist were to say, in reference to a white president: “He’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on my machine gun.”

    I imagined.. September 3, 2005 Kanye West: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!”

    Same story different words.

    • April 27, 2010 12:01 pm

      Are you serious?

      “He’s a piece of shit and I told him to suck on my machine gun” equals Kanye West: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!”

      Same? Are you serious?

    • Nick permalink
      April 27, 2010 1:49 pm

      and lets not forget that old time song… “Kill whitey”

    • Jennifer permalink
      April 28, 2010 6:17 pm

      Nick, CR

      I don’t see how any of these examples depict a black person using threatening language toward the President of the United States. Please clarify.

      • Nick permalink
        April 29, 2010 6:34 pm

        Wasn’t Ted Nugent’s quote also directed to hillary clinton? If so can it still be construed as racist instead of political?

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 30, 2010 8:07 pm

        I didn’t actually hear the quote until this message board so I can’t say who it was directed at, I was just speaking to the info posted here. I didn’t say it was racist. I said it was threatening language toward the President of the United States. As far as Hillary goes, that would be threatening language toward the Secretary of State. And if it was you or I saying it the Secret Service would be investigating us. Was Nugent investigated? If not, does it bother you that a rich/famous person is treated differently?

      • Nick permalink
        May 1, 2010 2:37 pm

        “depict a black person using threatening language” I’m sorry I thought that part of your statement was implying racial motivation…

        If not, does it bother you that a rich/famous person is treated differently? Nope.. People say they’d want to kill the president all the time in private and don’t mean it… What’s the difference in saying it in public if you are a public figure and really have no intent on carrying it through?

        “I would kill George Bush”
        – Kirsten Dunst, when asked if she was Spiderman for a day
        (should she be investigated?)

      • Jennifer permalink
        May 1, 2010 8:16 pm

        “Nope.. People say they’d want to kill the president all the time in private and don’t mean it… What’s the difference in saying it in public if you are a public figure and really have no intent on carrying it through?

        “I would kill George Bush”
        – Kirsten Dunst, when asked if she was Spiderman for a day
        (should she be investigated?)”

        If she said that, and it was not part of an act (movie or tv line, etc.) then I think she should have been questions by the Secret Service because the fact is, it is against the law to threaten the President. And just because you are famous does not mean you are incapable of violence. In fact I think it’s worse when a public figure says something like that because they have the power to incite violence. I also think that Roman Polanski should be in jail for raping that child 30 years ago and that Eliot Spitzer should have been prosecuted for patronizing prostitutes. I don’t think that anyone is above the law. If it’s a law for you and me, then it should be a law for people with money too. Incidentally, these people don’t need you to defend them. They have $500 per hour lawyers who do that.

      • Nick permalink
        May 2, 2010 12:23 pm

        True threatening the president is illegal… BUT saying “I TOLD Obame to stick my gun in his mouth and suck it” or “i would kill george bush if i were spiderman” are not threats… They both didn’t say there WERE actually gonna do anything.. If nugent said “I’m gonna find Obama and stick this machine gun in his mouth and make him suck the bullets” then that would be a threat and would probably be investigated

  55. Dennis permalink
    April 26, 2010 8:35 pm

    While I can understand your points, the reality is many of those things have been said by both sides and those same actions have been taken on both sides.

    Imagine the vitriol directed at President Bush after Katrina…Imagine the charges of racism.

    Don Imus gets fired for calling black women nappy headed ho’s and no one cares when Tim Tebow and his family are called Neo-Nazis because they don’t appear to have many black friends. His family were called “Goobers”, redneck trash, and no one cared. Or does care. I don’t really.

    How many jokes were made about the Bush family referencing drugs, intelligence, ugliness etc etc. How many people said they’d like to President Bush? How many were black?

    You don’t have to go far to imagine the points of this post because frankly, they already happen and no one cares.

    Imagine if someone wrote a blog post describing the hypocrisy on both sides and both sides were regularly outed as racists and narrow minded gits…

    You should write one of those. Then I’d probably give it some credence. Until then you’re just another one of the people pointing the finger at the other side.

    • April 26, 2010 8:41 pm

      While many of the points you make are valid, and deserving of serious consideration, the neglect of New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina cost lives. So the anger at Bush was based on real tragedy, not manufactured outrage orchestrated by Insurance Corporations looking to protect their profits. Aside from that one point, thank you for commenting and providing some good perspective.

      • Dennis permalink
        April 26, 2010 8:57 pm

        Undoubtedly Katrina was poorly handled but I’m sure if you ask Tea Party people they’ll feel like the world is ending for the same sort of mismanagement. They would argue things like the health care bill will kill people and force grandma to sit in the garage with the car running.

        We’re happy to label President Bush a retarded monkey (remember that series of photos) but we’re suddenly offended when someone says it of President Obama. when it happens to Bush it’s funny…When it happens to Obama it’s racism.

        I’m not actually taking a side as I’ve been living outside of the U.S. for the last 17 years only to return and find “All This” and frankly I think it’s disgusting on both sides but I don’t think pointing the finger at the right and claiming they’re ignorant racists for doing what was done to president bush by the left really helps the situation either.

      • April 27, 2010 10:03 am

        “I’m sure if you ask Tea Party people they’ll feel like the world is ending for the same sort of mismanagement. They would argue things like the health care bill will kill people and force grandma to sit in the garage with the car running.”

        The source of the fears that the American people feel about healthcare reform are interest groups like FreedomWorks and the corporations that fund their campaign of disinformation. The claims of ‘death panels’ and losing freedom of choice over your healthcare have been proven false time and time again, but the the power of repeating the lies over and over, which is paid for by corporations with much to lose, keeps the lies alive. So don’t blame the government for that.

    • April 26, 2010 8:44 pm

      BTW, I became a huge Imus fan as far back as the early 90’s, and always thought he was a great social commentator. I was living in NJ when the Rutgers controversy happened, and was saddened by it. I think that his sidekicks Bernie and Charles got out of control and lost their sense of what was wicked satire and what was offensive, and Imus took the fall. perhaps I’m being an apologist for him, but he challenged me to think about a lot of complex issues in different ways from the left, the right and the center.

  56. jilly permalink
    April 26, 2010 5:39 pm

    but to be fair you would also have to then imagine that the white people you are talking about had the same ratio of violent crime that the backs do and that the white people were blowing up buildings in peaceful lands with nothing but civilians in them on a regular basis…. the tea party movement are ridiculous, and have no basis on reality, but turning it into a example of racism is redundant, and nonproductive,really no purpose at all except to stir up bullshit. . just sayin….

    • jilly permalink
      April 26, 2010 5:41 pm

      im sorry. meant to say blacks instead of backs… so dont use that to attack me.

      • April 26, 2010 7:28 pm

        I won’t attack. Thanks for the comments. Debate is the foundation of Democracy.

    • Jennifer permalink
      April 28, 2010 6:11 pm

      Jilly –

      “but to be fair you would also have to then imagine that the white people you are talking about had the same ratio of violent crime that the blacks do”

      They undoubtedly would if they had the same history of slavery, discrimination, and persecution that black people have had in this country.

      “and that the white people were blowing up buildings in peaceful lands with nothing but civilians in them on a regular basis”

      Or say, violently seizing land from the native (civilian) population and relegating them to a de facto ghetto. Bulldozing their houses and controlling every aspect of their lives, from random roadblock checkpoints to preventing the basic necessities of life from entering their country to even rationing how much water they get. As the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians?

      • Nick permalink
        April 29, 2010 7:04 pm

        Ya know white people were also slaves in this country right?

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 30, 2010 8:00 pm

        Um, I had heard something like that before… something along the lines of indentured servants? I don’t know for sure but if it’s true I’m guessing they were enslaved by other white people…? So I guess I don’t see your point. I also don’t understand how that relates to the preceding comments by me or Jilly.

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 30, 2010 8:15 pm

        Wait a minute, I reread my comments and I think I see why you made that comment – because I said “They undoubtedly would if they had the same history of slavery, discrimination, and persecution that black people have had in this country.”

        If some white people were enslaved, it was a wholesale, institutional enslavement of the race. As a race, white people did not have their children taken from them and sold away. That has a devastating effect on the ability of a people to learn from their parents and to understand how to keep a family together and to even form attachments. Look at many problems in poor black communities and you will see that many are the result of broken families. Additionally, there were Jim Crow laws, housing red lining, separate but horrendously unequal educational opportunities, etc. All of these things that cause a people to fall behind and grind them down do not just go away after a few generations of integration.

      • Nick permalink
        May 1, 2010 1:46 pm

        Well actually white enslavement mainly came from kidnapping of poor runaway kids found on the streets… hence the term white trash… also slavery wasn’t “wholesale institutional enslavement” of the black race when rich black americans also owned slaves… In fact a larger percentage of free blacks owned slaves than whites… Slavery was a horrible thing all around but more class than racially motivated…

      • Jennifer permalink
        May 1, 2010 8:04 pm

        “Well actually white enslavement mainly came from kidnapping of poor runaway kids found on the streets… hence the term white trash”…
        This is actually still a problem for children of all races, most especially in underdeveloped countries but also still here in America. Very sad.

        “also slavery wasn’t “wholesale institutional enslavement” of the black race when rich black Americans also owned slaves. In fact a larger percentage of free blacks owned slaves than whites”…
        It absolutely was. In this country, the black race was enslaved. Because a small number were free does not change that. Based on what I’ve read, most of these black slaveholders had purchased freedom for family members or had a white father and so was born into it. Rape of slaves is another horrible and traumatic aspect of this institution.

        “Slavery was a horrible thing all around but more class than racially motivated…”
        Agree that it is horrible not matter who it happens to, however, to say that it was motivated by class is disingenuous. The fact is, as a race, black people were enslaved and that has had repercussions to this day. And it didn’t end with slavery, there were still the Jim Crow laws and all kinds of discrimination that kept black people down. That didn’t end until recently. Probably within your parents’ lifetime. And integration was probably occurring during your lifetime. So how can even make the assertion that it’s all in past when you and contemporaries grew up with the lingering effects of slavery?

        You seem very defensive about this. Just because someone acknowledges this horrible fact and all the suffering it caused does not negate any one else’s suffering. Life is hard for everyone. Every group of people has done bad things. But denying what happened and the effect it has had on this country doesn’t help anyone. You and people with similar views say that you want to put the past behind us and move on but then you make these statements that deny the reality of what happened. In my personal experience, when I have been wronged in a big way, it has been very difficult, if not impossible for me to move on without a sincere apology and a sense that the person who wronged me feels genuinely sorry (and vice versa when I have hurt someone). An honest, heartfelt apology has amazing healing powers. It frees the other person. It allows them to move on. So even though some amends have been made, when people come along and deny what happened or the severity of what happened, when people try to diminish the horror and its effects, it is very hurtful and makes people very angry. It is saying to the person that your pain doesn’t matter. Have you ever had someone say that to you (through words or actions)? That your feelings,your pain, don’t matter? I have. It’s horrible.

      • Nick permalink
        May 2, 2010 12:38 pm

        My grand mother was a full blooded cherokee indian.. Do you think people should apologize to me for the trial of tears? NO… I wasn’t there.. it didn’t happen to me… Should I feel sorry that I don’t come from a line of white people that have been established in america for centuries? No… that has nothing to do with me.. Sure other people have rich families but who cares? That’s not my family.. If we don’t let go of past injustices.. Racism will never end… What has white people done to oppress black people today? what unfair laws do we have? The most powerful in our country is black.. yet we still see articles like this of how white people are nothing but oppressive and racist… What will ever be done to make amends for the acts of dead people and forgotten laws? articles like these seems to not seek equality in america but rather a social superiority over white people

      • hughmurris permalink
        May 24, 2010 8:17 pm

        last week a young girl was shot and killed in a police scuffle in her home. a tragic death that could have easily been averted. the reports say the police were looking for a murder suspect supposed to be hiding in the home, and gramma/mom/aunty scruffled with the police/pigs over a gun. i dont know if gramma/mom/aunty was hiding the murder suspect, if the police/pigs were acting illegally or a twisted combination of both. but the little girl died.

        in response, after thoroughly criticizing the police, al sharpton recently stated, as bill cosby has been saying for years, (paraphrased) that black people have to look no farther than the mirror to see why violence and crime perpetuate in their neighborhoods. the rev al has encouraged this during his entire career. black people cant do as well as other people cause they are victims, blacks are oppressed, they were slaves and cant be blamed. And rather than offering encouragement and education to his people, Al has done nothing but rant and whine and make excuses.

        after 50 years of affirmative action, it is finally time for black folk to stop using the victim card and suck up to their own collective responsibilities for crime and violence and the continued decline of their neighborhoods and their society in general. its a well of despair that is self perpetuating. as long as black folk blame all their problems on someone else, they will remain victims and stagnate in civilization. Besides its high time you all stopped blaming all your problems on ME.

        btw if youve noticed, this is perfect timing for the reverend al to make a new start and a new name for himself. he can ‘throw blacks under the bus’ cause hes found a whole new collection of illegal immigrant victims to exalt, then pander to. (thats how he makes his living.)
        proving that whenever it comes down to race, the rats always win.

        ps about the land grants in oklahoma, i recently bought a small acreage that was once part of the 40 acres and a mule, given to the ex slaves that migrated to this anti slave state after the civil war. not much compensation, i admit, but the effort was made.
        i cant undo the past, but i will not be blamed for it either.

  57. JanetJaizeb permalink
    April 26, 2010 5:30 pm

    I have already imagined all of this and I think it is very sad. The TEA PARTY spouts such racist ideas that is scary. It is such a shame to witness this blatant hatred towards the President of the United States. The hatred is so transparant no matter which guise it’s vieled under. I hope that the majority of Americans are teaching their children that hatred based on color is wrong.

  58. Tim Mooney permalink
    April 26, 2010 5:30 pm

    To Laura Matter…. Yup. I was one of those kids protesting the “political conflict” (aka/war) in Viet Nam, and we (my fellow lack-abouts and long-haired druggie freaks, who now are mostly retired from their government jobs…) did so with no guns, without nasty-finger-pointing, except a few at Nixon, and No Racial Crap! We walked barefoot through the streets and sang Judy Collins and Bob Dylan tunes! We held hands as we stood against the lines of police officers who were simply doing their duty (and who, for the most part, agreed with us), and lit some candles and welcomed EVERYONE, regardless of sex, age, skin-tone… I mean, that;s what this abstract concept of The United States of America was supposed to be all about. The freedom, and legitimate RIGHT for the people to assemble, and speak up. when or if they feel that the BIG GUYS we put up there to run this experiment need to be taken down a notch. No guns. No nasty racial secularist religious yadda-yadda-yadda… Just a round of Kum Bi Ya…

  59. Nick permalink
    April 26, 2010 12:18 pm

    Here’s a thought.. If Obama was visually white had the same agenda and was still being protested by mostly white people and say 17% black people would the movement THEN be considered patriotic…

    • April 26, 2010 12:38 pm

      To answer the question, let’s do another what if scenario. Suppose Robert Kennedy had not been killed in 1968, I would have likely supported him for Prez and would have voted for him. And for me, if they called him a socialist even though he was no more a socialist than Nixon, then no, I would call them dishonest partisans. If they questioned his citizenship despite unequivocal proof that he was born in the US, then no, I would have called them unhinged zealots. If they carried signs with his picture looking like Hitler or Stalin, then no, I would have called them extremists. If they brandished guns to intimidate and frighten, then no, I would have called them dangerous. If they accused him of governing to benefit the Irish Catholics despite knowing he didn’t, then no I would call them bigots. If they demonstrated their opposition by telling the President to suck on the muzzle of their AK47 like Ted ‘the world’s worst guitarist’ Nugent did, then no, I would call them terrorists. I don’t know what the media would call them, but I know what I would call em.

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 12:49 pm

        if they called him a socialist even though he was no more a socialist than Nixon, then no, I would call them dishonest partisans… Wasn’t nixon Impeached?

        If they questioned his citizenship despite unequivocal proof that he was born in the US, then no, I would have called them unhinged zealots… wasn’t there an actual convening on the eligibilty of Mccain for president and not Obama? Who’s also British by birth right?

        If they carried signs with his picture looking like Hitler or Stalin, then no, I would have called them extremists… did you for bush protestors?

        If they brandished guns to intimidate and frighten, then no, I would have called them dangerous… Guns in public parks have just recently became legal…and were all UNLOADED before hand… but what about billy clubs at polling booths?

        If they accused him of governing to benefit the Irish Catholics despite knowing he didn’t, then no I would call them bigots… I know nothing of this so i’ll just take your word for it..

        If they demonstrated their opposition by telling the President to suck on the muzzle of their AK47 like Ted ‘the world’s worst guitarist’ Nugent did… Has Nugent ever liked a president? What about a protestor holding a sign saying “I’m gonna kill BUSH! Shoot me!”

      • April 26, 2010 1:52 pm

        “Wasn’t nixon Impeached?”…Yes, he broke the law, and no one should be above the law. If the mythical Rob’t Kennedy broke the law as POTUS, then he should be impeached. Has nothing to do with your premise, and if anti-war protestors carried signs calling Nixon a socialist, I would call them dishonest partisans too, as well as an embarrassment.

        “wasn’t there an actual convening on the eligibilty of Mccain for president and not Obama? Who’s also British by birth right?” If there was, there was not much made of it, and I would have called those doing so beyond unhinged zealots, more like complete whackos. But trying to say there was anything close to the birther movement against McCain does not do you justice. You’re really stretching there and you’ve proven to make better arguments than that.

        “did you for bush protestors?” I did call them extremists, and probably should have louder than I did. He did enough things wrong that irrational and extreme rhetoric was quite unnecessary.

        “Guns in public parks have just recently became legal…and were all UNLOADED before hand… but what about billy clubs at polling booths?” My father was a Cleveland Policeman, and my grandfather a policeman and detective. I know from guns and the damage they can do, trust me. To compare the dangers and potential mortal trheat of billy clubs with guns is childish and again, beneath you. And if you’re saying progressives or liberals or democrats brandished them at polling places, you’ll have to enlighten me. And I dounbt that gettting into a pissing match about polling plae intimidation is anything you want to get into in a discussion about race and ppolitics, cuz there ain’t no way for you to win that argument.

        “Has Nugent ever liked a president? What about a protestor holding a sign saying ‘I’m gonna kill BUSH! Shoot me!'” Whether Nugent does or doesn’t like any president isn’t germain. His was a terroristic threat. And if there was a sign that said what you claim while Bush was a sitting president, that too is a terroristic threat and the owner should be subject to arrest.

      • Nick permalink
        May 2, 2010 5:57 pm

        The billy clubs at polling places where held by members of the racist black panthers wearing black panther uniforms during Obama’s election…. You didn’t hear about that?.. Odd isn’t it?

  60. April 26, 2010 11:54 am

    I don’t want tea from people like this

  61. April 26, 2010 11:52 am

    “You said it yourself.. the majority of americans wanted healthcare reform but not THIS KIND… so quit drinking koolaid and try some tea!!! Protest this law!!! and if you’re white be careful what you say… your every word will be scutinized… if you’re black say what ever you like”

    What the hell ever, did you even read this blog entry? If a bunch of black people went around carrying guns and holding signs talking about a revolution and getting rid of the President, there would be a completely different outcome.

    Yeah some of us wanted public option, not a free pass for insurance companies to make more money. Those on your side wanted the status quo. Some of us wanted MORE.

    I don’t drink koolaid, and I ain’t drinking the tea coming from the protestors I see, they might accuse me of stealing and lynch me.

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 12:36 pm

      The only problem with this article is… I would’ve brrn among the black people protesting with them…. and so would alot of other white americans…kinda like the civil rights movement… It’s because of his policies not his race

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 12:38 pm

      Don’t worry about lynching from tea party people.. the only violence i’ve seen against a black person over this whole thing was some Liberal SIEU people beating up a black conservative for passing out don’t tread on me flyers….

    • Karl permalink
      May 24, 2010 10:06 pm

      Released today:

      their poll shows 63% against Obamacare.

      • Bill permalink
        February 20, 2011 8:32 pm

        Why do you hate mongers Lie so much?

  62. April 26, 2010 11:41 am

    Nick my last two semesters I worked 40 hours a week and did 15 hours. You aren’t even going half time.

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 12:09 pm

      72 hour weeks are the only way I can afford college right now… 12 at work four at school… that only leaves 8 hours to rest… the only reason i’m up now is cause i’m rotating to third shift this week… school starts a 6

  63. April 26, 2010 11:40 am

    Michelle Obama once said “for the first time in my adult life I am proud of America”… how patriotic is that?

    Petty patriotic considering in America, she has been dismissed as nothing but an affirmative action hire, not because of her accomplishments, but because of the color of her skin. White America is different than black America. White America is quick to dismiss anyone black, and if a black person gets ahead because of hard work and education, it is taken by many whites as something taken away from them or another white person because in your mind black people are automatically inferior. She lives in a country where people look at you with contempt and make all kinds of assumptions about you.

    The protests were not about healthcare reform. The signs talked about taxes, communism, and Obama being a Muslim non American. There is no unified discussion on what they protest. They protest hating Obama. Don’t make it about anything else, they have been protesting since before the healthcare reform.

    In terms of polls, I want you to provide me links to your information, so I can dissect it. I used my “minority scholarships” to obtain a degree in Public Administration (for my undergrad), so I know a lot about stats. I want to see the source, the methodology, and to see if that methodology was consistent in all “polls”

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 12:11 pm

      White america is different from black america… with that kind of thinking racism will always be prevelant….

      • sara permalink
        May 1, 2010 8:37 pm

        no no no. to deny the truth is to continue the problem. racism is undeniable in this country and yet, it continues to be denied. to be frank, you quite proudly claimed your own whiteness earlier in this feed, and to read the comments you have made is to be smacked in the face with america’s historical amnesia.

        all this talk about having our country back, back to the way things ‘used’ to be..yada yada yada… which old country is it that is so desirable? the country that gave something like 250 million acres of land strictly to white citizens (homestead act) so that their future generations would become the “white middle class”…only after taking it (by force) from native americans and mexicans? or the country that gave strictly white widows/mothers a pension of sorts so that they could stay at home with their children (aid dependent to children act) but then noted some thirty years later AFTER the program was opened to include women of color that such a program makes women ‘lazy’…this program is welfare.? OR is it the country that not only made a black man literally monetary value.. 1/5 that of a white man….and considered any individual of 1/16th non-white ancestry to be black, mulatto..etc..and thus less human (human being strictly white)??

        this country IS and WAS racist… it was founded having racist principles, it was governed the same and continues to be. to deny that is to reject the very history the tea party movement has been so vehemently and nostalgically calling for.

      • Nick permalink
        May 2, 2010 5:51 pm

        You’re right let’s not deny the truth….
        I noticed you neglected to mention black racism towards white people… actually I disclaimed my own whiteness by saying I’m a mutt… white only in color… In fact I’m NOT proud I’m white… because I am percieved as an oppressor…even though no one in my family where american slave owners.. I’d like to proud of my heritage but that’d make me a racist…

        Ummm… didn’t abraham lincoln sign the homestead act? what else is that president famous oh yeah.. abolishing slavery…not to mention the homestead act did technically apply to freed slaves

        “OR is it the country that not only made a black man literally monetary value.. 1/5 that of a white man…”
        -you oughtta really be mad at Africa cause they actually sold black men for less than that… and why aren’t black people mad at africa… The majority of slaves in america were slaves in africa too… America didn’t “Make” most black slaves… Africa did.. and true some were stolen (just like poor white kids were).. but the majority were bought.. Even blacks who came to america had slaves… “Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more.” of course if you’re talking about average annual income… Let’s look at it from a different perspective… Most blacks currently live in the rural south correct?… Most wealthy people live in the highly populated northern cities and california… could it be more of a logistics problem than race?

        Taking land from indians was bad.. but we now have 50 states because of it..I’m part indian.. I’m not mad…

        “and considered any individual of 1/16th non-white ancestry to be black, mulatto..etc..and thus less human..”
        Like presidents Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding, and Calvin Coolidge?

        it was founded having racist principles, it was governed the same and continues to be.
        as clearly demonstrated by abolishion, desegregation, and affirmative action….

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 12:30 pm

      Are you saying white people who work hard and get rich aren’t equally dismissed because they were white and by being white it was obviously easier for them?

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 9:23 pm

      sorry I don’t believe in citing polls or articles… But I wholeheartidly suggest researching the claims yourself… after being hit with a plethera of oneside liknks on a subject by liberals… it felt like I was being spoonfed there ideas…Since this is the internet the information shouldn’t be to hard to come across but if you can’t find it.. I’ll try to google it when I get more free time for debating..

      • Karl permalink
        May 24, 2010 10:02 pm

        Much of the slavery issue began with black tribes selling blacks to others so to say the white’s are guilty 100% is also wrong. History has shown this true as for some slave yes they were mistreated no question I don’t think anyone questions that they were. However that said many were treated quite well because the slave owner had his investment in the slave. They were seen as and it is sad to say in the same fashion one would treat a farm animal. You don’t have thriving crops or product if you have a weak or sick animal that you can’t work… Yes that is a sickening thought to grasp but those are the facts as they were 130 years ago but we no longer have slaves unless the term is used as being a slave to the government. What I can’t understand is why the black persons cannot move off the slave issue. Are you being sold if so someone needs to investigate, are you getting an advantage, some are but because whites are prosperous only because they hold you down is to in fact be racist yourself. Almost all the prominent black leaders use the race card far more quickly than a white leader will. Under Clinton we had the so called burning churches when in fact it was only a couple and authorities believe both were individual events unrelated to each other or race. But Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were there festering the hate against the white man who it turned out had no part in it but when investigations proved it was a black man in one and a white man in the other. How can you move forward when you have leadership that is telling you one race is harming you when it can’t be father from the truth now. I’m an individual I give no one power over me unless I give it to them. Blacks on the other hand accept that whitie has some extra power and control but we have in place laws now that prevent it. As for the signs you seem to forget the effigies of Bush being burned or being called the great Satan… That comes with the territory being a public figure but Bush never whined as much over issues as we have now where every thing is measured against Obama’s black blood.

  64. April 26, 2010 11:34 am

    Oh and Sallie Mae loans are available to all. You can also do what other people do, work full time and go to school full time. That’s what I did.

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 11:38 am

      I do… 🙂 12 hours work 4 hours school…

      • Bill permalink
        February 20, 2011 9:08 pm

        Nick! You sound like a little sick puppy. Fact, you have had privledges all your life. You are so wrong about slavery! I don’t expect you to understand anything about race or racism because you have been white washed. Nick do you know that there wouldn’t be any need for affirmative action if hiring was done fairly? Unemployment is off the scale for minorties. Whities complained about affirmative action but they never have complained ab out the personnel hiring practice. Whites say if you are qualified you will get hied, they lie! My wife once applied for a job at a major company well qualified with a masters in business. She was well treated, which they always do, but was told that the company was not going to hire in that position. They lied. The agency she was working with sent another applicant and was told that she could start right away! This company was fined for discrimination. There are many stories out there to this day. Most companies will only hire token blacks. Don’t tell me if you qualified you will get the job. Lie. So, why do Blacks complain so much because they don’t get a square deal. The question should be; why do whites hate blacks so much!

  65. April 26, 2010 11:14 am

    “You say me being white gives me an advantage…hmmmm my boss is black… I’m one of only two white guys working in my department… I don’t get paid anymore than anyone else… The people I work with have a better chance at getting more scholorships to attend college because they are minorities and I am not…”

    Oh honey, please. I’m a black woman. My parents and myself were the only scholarships available to me. My father’s alma mater, a historical HBCU offers scholarships to white students to encourage diversity. Do you not qualify for the scholarships available for Irish, Italian, and others of European descent? Those scholarships exist, because you were too lazy to research them, doesn’t mean they weren’t available to you.

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 11:56 am

      No I don’t.. although my skin is white.. I’m really a mut.. Part indian, scotch, irish, and some other backgrounds to which I can’t really claim heritage to one particular one….

      • April 26, 2010 12:02 pm

        You could qualify for native american benefits in some states. You can qualify for scholarships from Irish and Scottish American groups. You don’t have to be 100% and what about researching scholarships from an HBCU….oh you’re too scared of black people for that.

        Like most people in America, you’re a mutt. So what. Most black people with slave ancestry in America are mixed with other, including white and native, but neither group is welcoming of black people and many make racist assumptions like you do of black people.

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 12:28 pm

        Well with most of the scholorships I’ve seen you had to be prodominately of one background.. I’m not Indian enough… not irish enough.. yada yada.. my parents were mutts.. I’m just classified as white… Also I really didn’t delve too deeply after seeing that you had to be a certain amount to claim a certain heritage.. That’s financial racism and I’d now rather just do it on my own… the american way… That what irks me about this law.. It’s not the american way to make a family man pay what amounts to a dollar an hour of his hourly pay for a forty hour week of work and have absolutly nothing to show for it… A fine for opting out of a government mandate to buy a product from a private company is not the american way! SO LETS TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY and find an AMERICAN solution to healthcare… This country is becoming more and more like every other country in the world… WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT!

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 12:33 pm

        but in all fairness what is HBCU.. i will look into it 🙂

      • April 26, 2010 12:40 pm

        HBCU = Historically Black Colleges and Universities, like Grambling.

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 12:52 pm

        Sadly there are none within a 60 mile radius of my home…. I have a family now so just can’t up and move…

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 28, 2010 5:49 pm


        You actually have an advantage over most of the population at getting into college. Colleges have begun a quiet policy affirmative action for males. They are consistently admitting boys whose academic and extra curricular qualifications are mediocre over much more highly qualified girls. They are doing to try to maintain a gender balance on campuses. So if you really want to attend college you should have a much easier time getting in by virtue of your gender.

        Re: “It’s not the american way to make a family man pay what amounts to a dollar an hour of his hourly pay for a forty hour week of work and have absolutly nothing to show for it” – Just be glad you’re not a female. That dollar of your pay would only be 70 cents.

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 28, 2010 5:53 pm

        Forgot the link:

      • Nick permalink
        April 29, 2010 8:32 pm

        that really has nothing to do with financial help… but it is sad… and kinda insulting to those who get in with appropriate qualifications….

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 30, 2010 7:56 pm

        That’s true, it doesn’t speak specifically to financial aid. I was extrapolating your concerns to the larger argument of “it’s unfair that certain people get help because they belong to a certain group”, which I believe was the essence of your comments. Although I could be wrong.

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 11:15 am

        Jennifer… I completly agree.. That is an unfair practice.. from what i read.. although they did say the boys generally had higher SAT scores… but honestly in my opinion college standards should be alot higher… it’s bad enough to have stupid people… but to give stupid people credibility is dangerous!! LOL! I guess the reason for lower scores probably has more to do with football and other sports.. but still I would feel silly walking into a college knowing someone slightly more qualified couldn’t… Of course grades alone shouldn’t be the sole determining factor… Grades are good indicators but sometimes the most gifted have poor grades in highschool purely out of boredom… I’m not justifing this practice.. I’m just rationalizing…

  66. Nick permalink
    April 26, 2010 11:13 am

    The term teabaggers was instigated by Keith, R. Maddow, and Anderson Cooper (who has apologized). The teabagger term came from people putting teabags in an envelope and mailing it to washington on tax day….

    Michelle Obama once said “for the first time in my adult life I am proud of America”… how patriotic is that?

    Sorry that was a misguided sentence… 77% of black voters in 2009 where newly registered voters… it’s early for me…

    Of course you didn’t see vast coverage… Before Obama, it was merely just people protesting a president… not very news worthy.. but Racial protests are far more news worthy…

    “In terms of Obama’s approval rating (we are just in a year and a half, approval ratings change, not to mention there is no way to compare his approval ratings with either Bush or Reagan) with no full term under his belt.”

    This rating is based off the fifth quater of both presidents first term so it is a fair analysis….

    “Who want to force the opinions of the majority on the will of the minority?” That’s how democracy works… Obama side stepped the will of the majority on the healthcare law… hence the protests

    • May 3, 2010 10:53 pm

      93% of African Americans voted for Clinton in 96.
      88% for Gore.
      91% for Kerry.

      So you want to say he got a small bump sure

      “Yesterday’s surge in black voters, however, only boosted black turnout by two percentage points from 11% to 13%.”
      (notice their facts disagree with their headline.)

      And we do have polling info from reagan. Obama is 2% higher than reagan was at this point, though it’s largely inconsequential to look at polling numbers now anyways.

      • Nick permalink
        May 4, 2010 11:34 pm

        accorrding to wikipedia clinton got 84 percent (83 percent the second time..) reagan and carter both got 82%…. no president ever got over 90.. but that’s just symantecs and I see your point!

  67. April 26, 2010 11:06 am

    I think you all sound angry and racial.

  68. April 26, 2010 10:51 am

    they want to tea bag washington

  69. April 26, 2010 10:46 am

    “Insane and irratinal? really???? 77% of newly registered voters last election where black… everyone touted about america having the first black president… I’ve personally heard people say they don’t want “another old white dude” to be president… How often does opposition to Obama doesn’t get labeled as racist? My lady works at a restruant, a customer got really drunk and refused to pay for her drinks.. we called the police.. she was escorted out saying “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! OBAMA IS PRESIDENT NOW!!”

    Blacks make up 13% of the American population. Now let’s take out felons and children. Blacks alone did not get Obama into the White House. Using an example of a drunk idiot is not a really good argument to prove your point. Again the argument was irrational. We couldn’t have made up 77% of new voters. Please check your stats.

    ” are you telling me that Black people have no problem what so ever with white people running this country? then how come since Obama became president we actually see american flags flying in black peoples yards?”

    Yes no black people were patriotic before Obama? Really, are you going to go with this argument. I’ve had members of my family fight in every war since the Civil War, and some did so in a time in which they were not considered equals, but you want to pretend blacks only became proud of America because of Obama? Really? It shows me how you view black people.

    Blacks are proud of Obama, not because he’s black, but because the fact he was elected in this country as proof that things are getting better race wise in this country. Of course the tea party and people like you are showing us how close to Jim Crow laws we really are. It’s like taking a big step back.

    “Taking back our country means that the country is ran by the will of the people not the leader of the people’s ablility to get the peoples representives to futher his agenda”

    I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that Obama was a dictator who was put in as President by force in some political coup and not put in office by the people who voted for him. Is that what happened? Bush put in force the patriot act, taking away people’s rights to an extreme never ever seen, where was your anger then? The will of the people? You mean white people who want to bring back McCarthyism, who are under the impression that anyone who doesn’t look like them (read white) are unpatriotic? Who want to force the opinions of the majority on the will of the minority?

    Showing me pictures of Bush is antidotal evidence, and I didn’t see the vast coverage and encouragement of those protests by Fox news like the tea party protests were. They eagerly promoted those, why not the other ones?

    PS: How many black men are involved in the tea party movement? Oh that’s right, not very many. But a black man in the movement is no less of a tea bagger than the white tea baggers. To me their all a bunch of misinformed idiots.

    In terms of Obama’s approval rating (we are just in a year and a half, approval ratings change, not to mention there is no way to compare his approval ratings with either Bush or Reagan) with no full term under his belt.

    • April 26, 2010 11:07 am

      “In terms of Obama’s approval rating (we are just in a year and a half, approval ratings change, not to mention there is no way to compare his approval ratings with either Bush or Reagan) with no full term under his belt.”

      It seems to me that he is governing with the intention of getting things done, some popular and some not, as opposed to governing to get re-elected. That is an approach that has long been absent and a trait not many elected officials display. And given the damage done by the previous administrations (and I include Clinton on things like the unfettered free market and lack of regulatory oversight), there is a lot that needs get done and a lot that needs to get fixed. Again, not all will agree with all of the solutions, but that is the nature of a democracy and why an elected term as POTUS is 4 years.
      What many Tea Party opponents resent is the notion that this President has done something so egregious in only 16 months that it demands calls for his immediate removal, yet these same people sat idly and quietly by while another president ran up deficits that at the time were unprecedented, actively lied to the American people over things that ended up costing us thousands of American lives, imposed dangerous programs & policies that threatened civil liberties, and sought to leverage the Justice Department to prosecute political enemies. The disconnect is why was there no outrage then? Why no concerns over the constitution? Why no anger over misspent tax dollars and the reversal of a surplus into an at the time record deficit?
      I suppose that is why there is tendency to start focusing on alternative reasons for the anger, outrage and vitriol towards THIS POTUS that we now see from a relatively small portion of the electorate that, for whatever reason, appears to be fairly homogeneous in terms of where they come from and what they look like.
      So yes, just accusing racism as the sole motivation for dissent is not fair, but you can see why it is an easy conclusion to reach.

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 11:49 am

        So even If I can give example of reverse racism you will reject that all supportors of Obama are racists… But then give examples of racism and say even though it’s not fair I should see why it’s an easy conclusion to draw…. If ya truly want to quell racism… QUIT CALLING EVERYONE RACIST…. And I don’t mean you in particular… an unless you give people IQ test quit calling them stupid! Some of the most intellegent people I know don’t use big words to get their point across..because they want everyone to understand it… Most of the stupid people I know try to prove their intellegence by using big words that half the time they don’t even understand.. in the hope the listener also doesn’t understand it

      • April 26, 2010 12:03 pm

        Nick, I am just saying that the tacit approval of Bush by the people who are now up in arms makes it easy to blame the current anger on things OTHER than the actual quality of governance. I’m not saying its correct. There is legitimate dissent for legitimate reasons. A democracy is strengthened by disagreement and different points of view.
        The essay by Mr. Wise is only trying to point out the hypocrisy of one groups’ extreme demonstrations being welcomed by media and some in government, whereas another groups angry protest would be a threat. I don’t know if you remember a lot of the details regarding coverage of Hurricane Katrina and the devastation of New Orleans, but there was a classic example of what Mr. Wise is trying to show. They had a picture of a white family wading through water with a raft filled with groceries and the caption said they were struggling to survive by taking food from abandoned stores and making do. Another story had a picture of a couple of black people with groceries in their arms, and the captioned said rampant looting was taking place in the aftermath of the storm. I didn’t write the captions, and I didn’t make the conclusions.
        You said it best earlier, anyone can find racism anywhere they look if that is their intent. And of course some supporters of the president may be racist. But to say that is across the board, or the sole reason he’s in office is an insult to the American electorate.

      • Doug permalink
        April 29, 2010 2:24 am

        I heard his approval rating was under 40% the worst in the last 20 years for the same time in office .

      • hughmurris permalink
        May 24, 2010 6:36 pm

        i recently heard obama talking about a new international order. this was after he took a cheap pot shot at the state of arizona and its lawful citizens, to get cheap laughs from the ‘i live in a gated community, you live with them crowd.’ he is blatantly padering to illegals, cause in many states, yes they can vote. that is treasonist. Obama made the ‘boston police are stupid: comment before knowing any of the details, when the police arrested the educator for breaking into his own home. but his statement couldnt possibly be racist since hes black. i do take part of the blame for this ‘change’ since i voted for him. iam so ashamed.

      • Lou Harlow permalink
        May 25, 2010 1:42 pm

        read and study history, not mythology! The leaders of many nations agreed that Iraq was a danger to the countries around Iraq and around the world– that there were/are weapons of mass distruction being hidden for later use. There was evidence that Saddam was planning to reinstate weapons research. It was not someones pipe dream that got loose. There have been reports of Iraqi pilots/aircrew testifying that they had flown WMD to Lebonon and the Baka Valley. We have found Migs prepared and buried in the desert, ready to be put back in service.

    • Nick permalink
      April 26, 2010 1:17 pm

      “Of course the tea party and people like you are showing us how close to Jim Crow laws we really are”… are you saying I’m racist?

  70. cleopatra permalink
    April 26, 2010 10:13 am

    The term TEA BAGGER was coined by THE TEA BAGGERS.
    Do some research BEFORE you post and absolutely declare your ignorance to the world.

  71. Nick permalink
    April 26, 2010 10:05 am

    the term teabagger was coined by opponents of the movement itself…

  72. April 26, 2010 9:44 am

    The term teabagger was coined by the movement itself. It has nothing to do with race, it has way more to do with a man’s testicles on someone’s face.

    • Doug permalink
      April 29, 2010 2:15 am

      Teabagger was coined by the arrogate Keith Olberman .

    • Karl permalink
      May 24, 2010 9:28 pm

      You couldn’t be more wrong on the Tea party being called Tea baggers that term was coined by the liberal host of the early show. The whole liberal establishment IS using the term Tea Baggers as a slur against one group of people that has every right to assemble peacefully and bring a grievance against the government something that is permitted under the Constitution. That should be obvious that the Democrat’s and our President have little regard for our laws or our Constitution. The term white rich Republicans couldn’t be farther than the truth there are in fact far more very wealthy Democrats than Republicans and last I’ve seen this President hasn’t stopped campaigning since he won the Presidency. I get all the Obama Newsletters that with everyone telling us to mobilize and oh by the way send us $5.00. Yet Tea party individuals are trashed by the media and by writers such as this who couldn’t be farther from the truth.

      • June 28, 2010 5:08 pm

        the term tea bagger was coined by people in the tea party movement themselves.. on twitter.. Liberals just picked it up and ran with it before the tea party people could figure out it probably wasn’t the nick name they really wanted..

  73. Nick permalink
    April 26, 2010 9:33 am

    in fact the term “TeaBagger” is closely becoming a racial slur

    • patriotgeek permalink
      July 18, 2010 12:25 pm

      I’d much rather be a TeaBagger, than a TeaBagee

  74. Nick permalink
    April 26, 2010 9:25 am

    even the lil poll on this very page 33 out of 52 people say the media coverage of the tea party is innaccurate and overblown…. that should give ya some indication…

    • April 26, 2010 9:43 am

      The signs don’t lie, and the silence and embracing of those signs tells me way more than a poll ever will

    • Jay permalink
      April 26, 2010 4:47 pm

      The Tea Party are a bunch of Republicans who are bitter they lost the last major election and their party has to pay a price for the previous decade…a ‘movement’ is not a group of people who would vote for the same political party regardless..the vast majority are Republicans in drag hiding behind the ‘tea party name’ posing as a new ‘movement’ because the Republican brand is so tarnished..again, people aren’t stupid.

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 9:13 pm

        correction… the tea party is a mixture of republicans democrats and liberals

      • April 27, 2010 7:57 am

        A New York Times/CBS News poll found that the 18 percent of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters tend to be Republican, white, male, married and older than 45. Further, they do not want a third party and say they usually or almost always vote Republican. The percentage holding a favorable opinion of former President George W. Bush, at 57 percent, almost exactly matches the percentage in the general public that holds an unfavorable view of him.

      • Indy permalink
        April 26, 2010 9:18 pm

        Bitter? Surely you jest. The left has the worst case of collective amnesia I’ve ever seen in this country. The tea party protest are about taxation and expansion of government. What’s need is sensible spending and smaller government. That goes for both sides. Make this about race, and you will eventually lose the argument. It’s been used so much since the election, it barely gets anyones attention.

      • Mick permalink
        July 4, 2010 10:57 pm

        Amen…enough said!!

  75. Nick permalink
    April 26, 2010 8:53 am

    Dan.. I can understand your metaphor but 95% of one race never voted for a single candidate… except George Washington… I’m poor and white.. I make 26000 a year… I voted against Obama… Because I felt he was too inexperienced, too liberal, and was more about hype than actual policy… I have been labeled racist before because of my disapproval of his policies… and in your rebuttal you are implying race and fear of majorities to further your political position… Put quite simply if Obama was a white guy named Joe Smith… he would’ve never won the election…

    Laura… The “Hate” you describe has been the american way since well the tea party… People are pissed at the president because all the shady deals he made to pass a constitutionally questionable policy that at the time over half the population dissapproved of… and still do last time I checked.. the people, like the people who got mad over a tax on tea soo very long ago, feel like they where not represented fairly.. they feel this law was the will of the president not the will of the people… We all want health care reform.. but noone wanted it like this… the real question is why aren’t many black people at these rallies? oh yeah… THEY ALL VOTED FOR OBAMA! every image I have seen against Obama that has been labeled “Racist” I have seen on former presidents… Tea party people are making this about race… republicans aren’t making this about race… it’s people who write articles like this making it about race.. it’s people who took the phrase “you lie” and made it about race.. It people who decide that phrase like “Take our country back” is considered “Racial code” that are making it about race… If people who support Obama want to label his opponents racist.. then it’s time they get a taste of their own medicine… You can find racism anywhere if you look for it… It’s call “Spin”

    • April 26, 2010 9:30 am

      Nick are you going to imply the only reason Obama won the election was because he was black? Really? That’s insane and irrational.

      The fact is the MAJORITY of Americans wanted Healthcare reform, maybe not this reform, but they wanted something. The MAJORITY of Americans voted for Obama. So why are you mad? Because you side lost?

      What exactly is “taking back OUR country” who does the country belong to? I figure Native Americans, but that isn’t what folks are talking about. You know it, and I know it.

      Not all black folks voted for Obama. That is just a piss poor argument. If we simply wanted to vote a black person into office, we could have done it when Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, or Alan Keyes. Did white people vote for McCain because he’s white?

      You make the assumption racism is made up and those who are victims of it are using “an excuse”. It shows me you have no idea what racism truly is, and how even you, poor and white have an advantage of any person of color, regardless of their economic situation.

      I also want to note the tea party is being backed by republicans, so all those racist signs are being supported by republicans who want to pretend it’s a handful. If it wasn’t about race, the tea party organizers would have encouraged people take down the stupid racist signs back in 2009, not just the last few months.

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 10:20 am

        Insane and irratinal? really???? 77% of newly registered voters last election where black… everyone touted about america having the first black president… I’ve personally heard people say they don’t want “another old white dude” to be president… How often does opposition to Obama doesn’t get labeled as racist? My lady works at a restruant, a customer got really drunk and refused to pay for her drinks.. we called the police.. she was escorted out saying “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?! OBAMA IS PRESIDENT NOW!!!” are you telling me that Black people have no problem what so ever with white people running this country? then how come since Obama became president we actually see american flags flying in black peoples yards? His approval rating is now the third lowest of all modern presidents in their fifth quarter of presidency…(and bush wasn’t one of those three) read some protest signs against other presidents… I can show you images of Bush as a monkey, a muslim, hilter, and hanging… I can show you one of clinton as a witchdoctor.. why are those labeled as racist images?

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 10:27 am

        Taking back our country means that the country is ran by the will of the people not the leader of the people’s ablility to get the peoples representives to futher his agenda… Obama is acting like he’s our king… In response to one rally he said the protestors should be thanking him for his tax cuts..we should NEVER have to thank our president… He is our employee.. and needs to be fired

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 10:49 am

        You say me being white gives me an advantage…hmmmm my boss is black… I’m one of only two white guys working in my department… I don’t get paid anymore than anyone else… The people I work with have a better chance at getting more scholorships to attend college because they are minorities and I am not…
        You said it yourself.. the majority of americans wanted healthcare reform but not THIS KIND… so quit drinking koolaid and try some tea!!! Protest this law!!! and if you’re white be careful what you say… your every word will be scutinized… if you’re black say what ever you like

      • Joe permalink
        May 24, 2010 4:31 pm

        Siditty: Yes, Obama only got elected because he was black. Period. End of story. All candidates speak of improving health care, not raising taxes, etc.

        Young people and others voted for this fool because it seemed cool – not because he was the right choice. He’s an empty suit.

        Blacks, most of whom never found it necessary to vote for ANY president before voted almost 100% for Obama – because he is black. Periiod. End of story.

        The fact that you are blind to the facts tells me that you aren’t the brightes bulb in the drawer.

        As for the article – just another person looking for attention and getting it. Nothing worthwhile to read.

      • Robert permalink
        May 24, 2010 10:16 pm

        Everyone was excited to break through the barriers, who wanted McCain,

        But we got a third world despot, who has Not Proven His citizenship yet.

        He hasnt been thrown out of office, because everyone is afraid of the race wars.

        The blacks will burn the streets, buildings, instead of facing the truth.Look at New Orleans at Katrina, stealing etc, Houston, Crime doubled …

        Its about values, morality, and education, NOT MOB Rule

    • Jay permalink
      April 26, 2010 4:33 pm

      Obama got voted into office because he was not only politically but intellectually superior to his opponents. Its really that simple. Black people only make up 12% of the you mean to tell me they got him into office alone? More people voted for Obama then any President in history, he won by almost 10 million votes..that is not by accident, I would caution some of you to stop underestimating him and the 2008 election. Get over it…you voted against Obama because you are a Republican ideolog who will vote for Scooby Doo just as long as he was a Republican. You have the nerve to call Obama ‘inexperienced’ when you basically supported one of the most unqualified vice Presidential canidates in the history of this country (Palin)? Seriously?

      Also, what ‘shady deals’ are you speaking of that Obama has made? You folks kill me, you sat in silence when President Bush sent our troops into war on false merrit in Iraq, but are angry about healthcare? You just came off a decade of lies and nonsense. This country has basically just lost a decade. Did you people feel like you weren’t being represented the previous decade when your party was in power? Or do you just feel that way now that you’re party isn’t in power? What about the Healthcare bill is ‘unconstitutional”? Specifics please? Starting a war on false merit is unconstitutional…and actually, the bill is running about 50/50 in the population and a lot of the distrust in the bill is because of the lies spread by your party…its easy to mischaracterise something so massive..the Republican party is very good on spreading fear, we just came off of a decade of it.

      And you are a lie when you claim Republicans aren’t making anything about race when they basically have painted Obama as a “secret muslim with an agenda to destroy the country”…some of you are so full of it, im over it. If these were substitive debates, id be all for it…but the majority of people are tired of some of you trying to play people for fools. Your party is playing racial politics trying to divide this country…they have done NOTHING to help this President govern this country out of the mess THEY created…they have basically tried to slander the man out of despiration because they know how much of a threat this President is to the Republican party brand. They are trying the old school “southern strategy’ (which Michael Steele admitted to) to try to scare as many white poeple as possible into voting against Obama. The hateful rhetoric is old and tiring now. No one has taken away your freedoms, no federal taxes have been raised, Obama is not a secret muslim with an agenda…ENOUGH!

      • Nick permalink
        April 26, 2010 9:11 pm

        Obama won this election on HYPE… plain and simple.. he spent more money than any other candidate in history…(after breaking a campaign promise to take public funding if Mccain did) HE HAD HIS OWN CABLE CHANNEL FOR CHRISTSAKE!! I go to gas stations and see his pictures on Tshirts being sold right next to drug paraphenalia… We don’t even know his IQ… He won’t release his college transcripts… all we have are estimates.. I thought this man was about transparency….?

        Muslim is a religion not a race…. last time i checked… What about the bill is unconstitutional? um… Requiring everyone to purchase private product or face a tax penalty? Letting people of SPECIFIC religions opt out with no penalty… I.E. Amish communities…
        What shady deals?… How bout the executive order deal for the remaining demcrats that were opposed to the bill.. what about all the kick backs to certain states used in order to get votes from those representives?..
        Well i would continue this but time for work…

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 28, 2010 5:28 pm


        Re Obama: “We don’t even know his IQ… He won’t release his college transcripts… all we have are estimates.. ”

        Would those be his HARVARD transcripts you are looking for? LOL. You’re too much. 🙂

      • Nick permalink
        April 29, 2010 8:44 pm

        Intellegence, Knowledge… Apples, oranges… After all Bush went to Yale right? and Bill Gates was a drop out…

      • Jennifer permalink
        April 30, 2010 7:50 pm


        Ummm… then what exactly would seeing his transcripts prove to you? Why do you want to see them if you feel they have no value?

      • Nick permalink
        May 1, 2010 9:25 pm

        then what exactly would seeing his transcripts prove to you?

        That Obama believes in the transparency he so elequently speaks about

      • Ryan permalink
        May 24, 2010 2:13 pm

        So an inexperienced President is better than an inexperienced Vice President. Trully that is the most moronic point made against Palin. Yes, she’s an idiot but Obama’s experience isn’t much to tout.

      • Christopher permalink
        May 28, 2010 10:23 pm

        More voted for Obama than anyone in history? In 1972 Nixon won the popular vote 60/40, with 47,168,710 votes… and carried 49 states! I don’t know if Obama is a crook, but being the popular choice means a whole lot less than actual performance in office. How is that highest-priority withdrawal from Iraq going, Mr. President?

    • May 5, 2010 3:49 pm

      Bullbleep, Nick. Re Obama: “We don’t even know his IQ… He won’t release his college transcripts… all we have are estimates.. ” You think Harvard made him the head of its Law Review because he’s stupid? You probably think that’s something like comic books, but try looking it up – you obviously have a computer. I have to wonder, though, what would make a man with an income of $26000 be a Republican? What has that party done for ANYONE in your income bracket?

      • Nick permalink
        May 6, 2010 7:15 am

        ummm… who said I’m a republican? and the real question is.. Why not release them if he made such awesome scores?

      • Nick permalink
        May 6, 2010 11:54 am

        and I’m anti democrat because before the democrats took control of congress.. I was making $30,000 a year….

    • Schadenfreude permalink
      May 21, 2010 8:21 pm


    • Karl permalink
      May 24, 2010 9:04 pm

      Great post Nick. Those who are all pointing fingers are the same that have continually used race to advance instead of doing what is needed to achieve their goals. They have been willing to serve as a underling culture rather than make progress. The civil war that freed this group has long gone in to the pages of history yet they have not tried to move forward as 20th and 21st century as members of the human race. Many problems are of their own making such as burning down whole blocks where they make their homes because someone as Obama has incited their race hatred against whites. This hatred has festered even against their own. Individuals such as Condelisa Rice and Clarance Thomas calling them uncle toms. They have had no desire sense the civil rights act to accept their role as members of this nation. The two country hyphenation and the ghetto talk they call Ebonics. Purposely refusing to integrate in to the Nation that held so much promise for them. Many have come from distant lands to find success in our country. Yet the Black’s as a group would rather accept a government check over the work they could perform with advancement if they would only seek such. They seem to know that they can use their color and race to achieve goals rather than actually working for them. Certainly we are seeing the blatant racial profiling by this President in the White house in many of his responses or directives. Take the Professors arrest where before facts were known immediately jump to the chance to call the police as acting stupidly. Or by comments such as “They bring a stick, we bring a gun.” These are hardly acceptable answers by someone with an actual education but one that has used the race when the need suited him by using the 1/8 part black in him. And now when we are watch a total breakdown of our Nation we are called racists for seeking to correct the problems. If this nation as a whole believed race was a factor Obama would never have been elected. Yet all the steps taken all the progress we have made is being manipulated, twisted, and made to be racial when the intent is NOT THERE. How many times have we seen a white man go in to a black neighborhood with the soul purpose of agitating them into a a level where riots could break out and have. We see in the likes of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson who have made fortunes by blackmailing corporations and using shake down methods not out there to improve relations but to profit by them. Call them what they are they are the black racist individuals who refuse to see the good that has been done since the 60’s

      • Russ permalink
        August 21, 2010 7:53 pm

        Wow Nick, you must feel really proud to have this guy backing you! He’s so very sociologically well-informed and objective in his assessment of an entire segment of the population (classed, how, exactly…oh, yes, by race).

        Interesting that such a characature of the ignorant racists that have been holding the aforementioned signs at the “Tea Party” rallies should find your perspective so insightful, isn’t it?

    • Bill permalink
      February 20, 2011 9:34 pm

      Got You! You are a coward because you keep your reply sign down, ha ha. Think of it this way, Tea party (White Citizen Council). Beleives in their heart that Obama is trying to further the cause of the Black Race. Some don’t but they hate him so much they will keep this lie going. They beleive that he was born in another country (even with evidence that he wasn’t). Some don’t like his policies and they have a right not to embrace policies they don’t beleive in. When they call Obama hitler, communist, maxism and depicted signs of monkeys and half animals. You are in agreement with the TB so I would hav e to assume that you are also a racist. You are not an intellect, nor a scholar only a Rush and hannity scholar. Both of those sick puppies are your genuine hate mongers.

  76. Laura Matter permalink
    April 26, 2010 1:18 am

    Ditto; excellent. To ask any of these questions is indeed to answer them. As someone who has exercised my right to assemble and protest, long before tea baggers took to the streets, heck before some of them were born, I take exception to the premise that the teabaggers vision of America is the “true American way”. Since when did hate become an “American Value”?

    • Lou Harlow permalink
      May 24, 2010 7:54 pm

      And you expect “Tea Party” attendees to listen to you when you use the term foisted on them by a declared homosexual activist, knowing full well that the vast majority of the people being slammed would have no idea what mud was being slung~he could laugh behind his hand as he extended a middle-finger “salute” to them. As you continue to use the term, you join yourself to his verbal assault. Use some respect if you want some in return. BTW~~The crowds are not just WASP~ There are many people of color who do not currently support the agenda/policies coming out of Washington. There have been many persons who have rued the day they voted for “change” without knowing what the change would be. And Nick, in your 2nd graph, I think you meant to say “…It is not the Tea party people who are making this about race…” With that correction, keep on coming as I too have been labeled a “hater” because I have principled objections to where we are headed.

    • Rachel permalink
      August 27, 2010 12:06 pm

      You tell us. I’ve been asking myself that very question as I’ve scanned this website. Nothing but hate is spewed about the so called “tea-baggers”.

  77. Nick permalink
    April 25, 2010 8:13 pm

    Imagine a white presidential candidate running against a black candidate… Imagine 95% of the white population voted against the black candidate in favor of the white guy… Then any black constituent against the white guys questionable agenda was dismissed purely for the fact he was a black man speaking against a white leader…. not only dismissed but charged with racism…yada yada yada

    Long story short… hello pot, my name is kettle and you are white…

    • April 26, 2010 6:26 am

      Imagine 95% of one race voting against the presidential candidate of one political party in just about every election, regardless of that candidates race, religion or ethnicity. And imagine that this happens because that candidate’s party ignores the needs of just about everyone other than the wealthiest, most privileged and most advantaged among us, while using race and fear of minorities as a political weapon (can you say Willie Horton??). Guess what, we don’t have to play the imagine game, because it is the reality we already live with.

      • Jerilyn permalink
        May 11, 2010 3:49 pm

        Preach it DAN!

      • Paul permalink
        May 24, 2010 6:59 pm

        Now imagine if Dan thought for himself instead of reciting ignorant talking points about a party that is roughly the size of the party he no doubt votes for at every opportunity. Staying on the plantation and defending Massa because Massa said all those people out there offering “freedom” just want to take advantage of lil’ Dan, that Dan can’t do it for himself. Now Massa shows Dan his other plantations and shows him how prosperous Dan’s friends and family have become, and we see Detroit, New Orleans, South Central LA… areas associated with lots of people like Dan and with high crime, as well as high mortality rates. But does Dan question Massa? Nossuh! Like an abused wife he keeps thinking he’s not good enough and can’t make it on. Hep me Democrats! Hep me!!

        If you open your eyes and clear your brain of that crap that has been poured in, you’d see that the vast majority of conservatives and Republicans welcome anyone who wants to succeed by his own merits. You equate hatred and bigotry with failure to throw money at you. If te Democrats said “Hey let’s vote on a bill that gives all black people $5000 ‘just because’ (‘just because we need their votes’)” and the GOP voted against it, you’d say the GOP were the racist ones. Pathetic. No wonder you make stupid comments.

      • Jim in Colorado permalink
        May 24, 2010 9:03 pm

        Nearsighted Dan:

        Dan, I am a capitalist. I worry about my own struggle to live, to work, to love and to get along. I don’t rely upon you to do it, and thus, I do have time to worry about your needs. After all of the years of doing that constantly and faithfully, be on notice that I don’t need you to tell me where to spend it. This is precisely because you do not ever worry about my needs except to call for looting me. Your kind sees me as a producer who can be exploited to feed those people who you FEEL sorry for and FEEL guilty about. Yes, I help those same “underprivileged people everyday, and ask for nothing back, not even a tax deduction. But you ask me to provide for those “who NEED” on your behalf because you spend all day FEELING, and very little time PRODUCING the things to an excess over need so that we might voluntarily make it available for charity to those poor I CHOOSE to help.

        When you really think deeply about it, Dan, you socialists are weak, looking for scapegoats and excuses for your failures and mental laziness, with a nose for unearned power. When i am discriminated against, I choose not to sulk, but to buck it up and walk forward against the wind, if necessary. You think us producers don’t read your narrowminded comments, and you are wrong (again), as in the art of (mental)war, observational intelligence is valuable.

        Let’s both Imagine a country where a man is judged by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin. If more ethnic perverted minds would focus on “E Pluribus Unum” and less on Reconquesta, class warfare and liberation theology, your perceived hell would be much more tolerable and you might actually advance the status of the emotional slaves you need for elective power. Have a good day—produce something.

      • Rachel permalink
        August 27, 2010 12:02 pm

        Bravo Jim! Excellent points. Actual intellect. Couldn’t of said it better myself.

    • Jay permalink
      April 26, 2010 3:53 pm

      If some of these people dont want to be called racist…then stop holding up racist signs and telling the President to ‘go back to Kenya” when you are supposidly protesting about taxes. Its really that simple. The problem is some of you think people are stupid. If you have a problem with the current Presidents policies, fine, just make it an honest debate not filled with hypocrisy and nonsense rhetoric. Whining about the national debt when the majority of the tea partiers more then likely sat in silence the previous decade when the previous President and their party spent this country from surplus to record debt and have nothing to show for it but two wars and an entire financial collapsed system..makes them hypocrites. The majority of these people were no where to be found the previous decade, so it leads one to believe that a lot of them are sore losers who are just mad at the fact that their party is now in the minority.

      There comes a time when you’re either part of the solution in this country or part of the problem…while a lot of people share the principle arguments of the tea party..their protest are very misguided at this point. They have no solutions to offer just a bunch of devisive rhetoric. Whenever you have a crowd that has a thousand people in it and no faces of color on a constant basis it starts to draw attention, espcially when you have a President who has such a diverse following. Its also funny how some of you like to play the victim…now all of a sudden some white people in this country are walking around like they have been so oppressed, sort of pathetic to watch. Black people have voted white Presidents into office since they could your point is invalid.

      Bottomline, its getting old watching some people at these events acting as if this President has to prove his love for this country, as if they own this country more then anyone else does. Its Obamas love for this country that has given him the strength to continue to fight through this nonsense. There is irony seeing some of the tea partiers screaming “we want our country back”, its funny considering that is what the indians have been saying for the past 300 years now…they want THEIR country back.

      • patriotgeek permalink
        July 18, 2010 12:21 pm

        Pay attention at 47 seconds into the video…
        Obama’s wife called his home country KENYA.

      • Bill permalink
        February 20, 2011 10:09 pm

        Jay thank you! You are so right One other point? Some white males are having a very difficult time with a black man in the WH. GET OVER IT.

        To Paul; You are a coward because you don’t have your reply sign up. Anyway, it is people like you (Who feels like the superior chosin one) that will keep race relations strained my friend. This is not the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s. and america doesn’t belong to just the white man. I love freedom and this country and I would fight to keep my freedom and anything else including you my friend. You are probably one of these racist that would love a civil war in this country and because of your stupidity don’t know the outcome. Think about it my friend.

    • charles griggs permalink
      April 30, 2010 3:15 pm

      Whites have been voting for white for hundreds of years.

      Imagine a white man saying some sh*t like that with a straight face 😛

      • danagmorrison permalink
        May 24, 2010 5:27 pm

        Imagine black people thinking that their 12 % voting block (in racist lockstep) was enough to elect a black president without any votes from the white community.

      • Robert permalink
        May 24, 2010 10:10 pm

        No I would vote for JC Watt, The Black guy who does the Allstate commercial,

      • Rachel permalink
        August 27, 2010 12:03 pm

        Are you in good hands?! 😀

  78. April 25, 2010 4:07 pm

    Excellent. Too bad most Tea Party members would not read it. Their problem is that they only ‘see’ one way.

    • Tim Mooney permalink
      April 26, 2010 4:59 pm

      Thank you, Mr. Wise. As a “white guy” in this country, I am all too often offended by other “white guys” who seem to think they are speaking for me, and for all of my friends who aren’t “white guys”. Unfortunately. the people who should “get” what you wrote, probably wouldn’t, and that’s assuming they might actually READ what you wrote. More’s the pity.

    • Robert permalink
      May 24, 2010 10:09 pm

      That was racist, Obama Is Anti-American, And Not A Citizen, even needs deporting.
      Its about values Not race you racist!

      • Mick permalink
        July 4, 2010 10:45 pm

        This is what being ignorant is about…YOU just don’t get it!

      • Sara permalink
        August 27, 2010 9:19 pm


      • Bill permalink
        February 20, 2011 9:51 pm

        Nick! The more you talk you sound like an idiot! Get a life! You seem to live on this website!


  1. Imagine if the Tea Party was Black. « Planning the Day
  2. Tim Wise On the White Privilege of the Tea Party
  3. Through a mirror, blackly « SHARP IRON
  4. Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black « Ideas of a Black WASP

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